CSX Dark Future F40PH's

Did CSX paint them for use on their Buisness Trains?
Or just for the heck of it…

Yes, I believe they aquired them for business the biz trains.

They are for the business trains and geometry trains. The numbers I have so far are 9991, 9992, 9993, 9998, and 9999. Don’t know why there is no 9994-9997. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one. I know that 9998 is replacing GP 40-2 6025 on the geometry train.

The F7s look much better, and were painted better also.

But on topic, yes there for buisness, hauling around officals etc.

But I wouldnt mind seeing one in Dark Future.

they look pretty schmick (good)

If the colors were actually: C & O Enchantment Blue and Federal Yellow;
We would have a real winner !!!

There is a pic of at least one I have seen on the railpictures.net site. Still sitting in the paint booth.

The F7s, correct me if I’m wrong, were FP7s…at least one was. I think they were from the Clinchfield Railroad.

I like those F40s, but I miss that Gray, Blue, and Yellow paint scheme. This newer “C&O wannabe” paint scheme just doesn’t cut it for me. But of course, it’s cost effective.

However, for safety / visibility it would have made more sense to use the bright yellow from the previous paint scheme instead of the cream colored yellow-tan currently in use.

Everyone knows the old FP7’s and F7’s are gone right?
They were all sold and or scrapped.

Correct, one was an FP, with the other being an F7.


Don’t worry after a few years they’ll fade nicely to the right shades. An early repaint of a Dash 8 40 CW[;)] has faded to a point where it has nicer lettering and numbers, which are very close to the old C&O blue and yellow. Now, if it fades like the dark blue D&H used in the late '70s, we’ll see lavender units[X-)]. That won’t be anything to look forward to.[xx(] If the yellow fades first, then it’ll be nice. Watch for SD50 8660, she has lighter yellow than the other repaints. The 9998-9999 are set up in a manner similar to Conrail B23-7 1933, with a 480v feed for the test car, in addition to the 480v HEP for heat or AC.

sweet i want to see one through here