I just looked up CSX on the diesel shop, http://www.thedieselshop.us/CSX.HTML , noticed they had picked up two more F40PH-2’s from amtrak. Why can’t Norfolk Southern do the same thing. I bet the F40’s would look great in NS black or tucson red.
They look pretty sharp.
What do they pull? executive trains or normal passenger lines like amtrak?
Executive trains.
CSX doesn’t operate any regular passenger trains…[banghead]
I’m guessing these newly purchased F40PHs must be strictly used for executive specials due the the nature of the gearing unless, CSX plans on gearing these F40PHs for freight service, which I hgihly doubt. They aren’t bad looking in CSX’s Dark Future paint scheme either.
They loked better in the Bright Future paint scheme.
I’d like to see BNSF buy a few F40s for thier buisiness train[8D].
They had better looking predecessors …F45, FP45 and SDP40Fm’s…
I agree, 100%.
From what I understand from other forums the new ones will strickly be used to pull the track geometry equipment releasing the GP-40 from this duty.