DCC software for Mac OS

Don’t laugh. I’m trying to find some. I’m also an Apple Certified Consultant so don’t try to start a Mac vs. PC flame war because you will loose.

banini_jeque, always glad to chat with another AppleHead. [:D] Wouldn’t use anything else! Try here: http://guide.apple.com/index.lasso and search under DCC Two programs come up for MR DCC. Decoder Pro (yep, they make a Mac version), and Mac-N-Trax. Hope this is helpful.

Thanks howmus. Haha, Mac-N-Trax, thats great.

Edit: I should have thought to look in the Macintosh Products Guide myself being an ACN. Oh well. That gave me the idea to check out versiontracker.com and I found two more programs, but they’re for Marklin systems.

DecoderPro runs on java, so it was easy for them to port it to many operating systems. Considering that it’s free, there’s no reason to go with anything else. [:D] You can check it out here: http://jmri.sourceforge.net/

ya! go mac, i just got a ibook G4 a month ago, i love it, it’s my first mac, not many good games for it though.

i saw some freeware or shareware for dcc awhile ago, can’t remember where though.
anyone know about free trackplanning software for mac. i tried railmodeller, but it doesn’t et you save and it’s hard to use flex track and stuff

Go to the Url I listed above and search for Model Railroad or Railroad. There should be a link to software called Empire Express. (You could also just do a google for Empire Express) This is not free (costs $10 I think). I have the demo version and plan to purchase the full version soon. The only other trackplanning software for mac that I have found listed is in Japanese.

Have fun!

I will “loose?” That’s okay, as long as I don’t lose.

Empire Express is made by Haddon Software


I have it and it works well. Also found this neat piece of software for creating Track Warrants

Up in Smoke (OS X)


The correct url for this is: http://www.trainweb.org/mavmrrdigest/upinsmoke/

Sorry about that, I took it from the README file.

RocRail runs native on mac