I have a question. Will a DCC equiped locomotive run on a block wiring layout. The reason for the question is that I have block wiring now, but plan to switch to DCC in the future, but I want a new Loco…Mike
As far as I know, all DCC decoders are backwards compatible with standard DC layouts. THere might be execptions to this, but all my locos (about a dozen) with run normally on DC.
The DCC decoder has the ability to operate on straight DC that can be turned on and off as part of the programming.
Instead of buying new loco, purchase new DC system and get going. About same amount of money. Then all engines can be converted to DCC. I will say that the MRC DCC systems is the user friendly system. Good Luck…Tom
Your question has already been answered but I would add that with DCC you CAN use your blocks much the same as you used to. Additionally, you can use DCC block detectors to control things like lichts and signals.
I think that only the early decoders couldn’t run on straight DC.