anyone have pics of thier DD40 trains and more intersting does anyone have a pic of a real DD40 running? if so please post I really want to see what other DD40’s people have. So far I am a slow collector of DD40 and thier memorbellia, I have 2 athearn SP’s one with a single engine and one with two engines. And if anyone has one to sell let me know I am always looking ot buy DD40’s in ANY condition. Thanks again. HO scale is my primary scale.
There never was a “real” DD40, just UP’s DDA40X.
Athearn used a little “modeler’s license” when they released their DD40. It was actually a DD35. SP had three booster units but no cab units. I have a picture or two of 9500. UP had several cab units and multiple boosters before they got the DD40AXs. The following link shows both a cab unit and a booster.
Remember, it’s your railroad and who’s to argue with the motive power your VP of Engineering selected for your railroad? Run what you like and don’t listen to the nay-sayers.
Mark C.
Railroad Model Craftsman did an article on the DD40’s back in the 1960’s. I have that issue,and if anyone wants the article,I’d be glad to send you a scanned file of it. Contact me at the enclosed email in my profile.
Here’s a link to some action photos on the UP web site:
thanks guys these pics are great!