Decoder Pro and radio throttles

Since radio throttles do not need to be plugged in to a command buss, do they need to be de activated somehow to prevent interaction with Decoder Pro? Mine specifically is NCE power pro.

What kind of interaction are you referring to?

Think of DecoderPro as another, very smart throttle. Any “interaction” would be roughly the same as between two NCE throttles (either wired or wireless).

So if for example you select the same loco with both a NCE throttle and a JMRI throttle, then yes, you’d have some interaction.

But I can’t think of any other type of “interaction” specific to JMRI and wireless throttles that would cause the need for them to be “deactivated”.


Wireless throttles have no issue with Decoder Pro. If you use the ‘virtual’ throttle in Decoder Pro, you can ‘steal’ an engine just like with other throttles. I have Digitrax wireless throttles and there is no issue with the Decoder Pro software.


Only if you were using the NCE USB interface, which is extremely limited and pointless on a PowerPro system - every cab needs a unique cab address. Since you are plugging in to the serial port on the command station, you shouldn;t have to do anythign to your radio cab to allow JMRI to work.

Yes, I know you are using a USB to serial adapter cable - that’s NOT the same thing as the NCE USB interface made for the PowerCab.
