You can’t blame him he needs the money.
Wars cost money.
…Anyone who has traveled in Florida lately knows something will have to happen down there soon or traffic will become paralyzed.
Great idea.[:)]I’ll have a peperoni & mushroom pizza,and a rasberry iced tea. Give me a seat by the window,'cause the tracks are right outside.[8D]
Do any locos in any of your areas run off of bio-diesel?
great forum idea Jim! I’ll have a barley pop or a pork chop- whichever is on special. Hybrids are a hot topic and one that I am passionate about. I have not heard of a state tax against a hybrid buyer- no such thing up here in the State of Two Seasons (winter and road construction). The generation 1 Prius gave the buyer a $2000 Federal tax credit for purchase- I’m not sure about the gen2, will check tomorrow.
Yes, their mpg is better in urban stop-and-go commutes. This is the primary reason they went to Californicators first (emissions).
You may see exhaust on a gen 1 prius at a stop IF there is enough load on the system to warrant engine operation. If the a/c is on auto and the compressor is running-the engine will also be running. There are other factors and parameters involved that the hybrid ecu judges and detemines what happens at any given moment.
There are many improvements to the gen 2 prius that have addressed some of these concerns. One is the a/c compressor is now electric and only engaged during demand. Increased horsepower,torque, and mpg are also notable.
On a safety note(probably not needed on a RR forum where safety is paramount!) do be aware that both generations of this vehicle have the potential to take your digits, and possibly your life IF one were to ‘screw around’ and/or ‘tinker’ with the high voltage system. Part of my essential tool inventory from Toyo includes linemans gloves. This is in no way intended to scare away potential owners as they have an impeccable safety record but more to warn the do-it-yerselfers out there.
Be safe- with locos and hybrids!
On that particular note, I was reading that Search and Rescue and Firedepartments are now undergoing special training in regards to dealing with hybrids that have crashed.
Apparently they are being trained how to reconize and safely work around the engine compartments in a wreck without getting electrocuted! Yikes!
I don’t think it has actually happened to anyone yet, but apprently the risk is there.
I have pesonally trained our local FD on the Prius- this was when the gen 1 first appeared- and they were ‘leary’ to say the least. But after the information was presented and all were informed they felt much more comfortable with that type scenerio. There are so many fail-safe implementations on the Prius that the actual occurance of ‘electrification of the body’ is practically nil. No occurance to date that I’m aware of.
Hybrids are no safer or deadly than a diesel locomotive- the same potential is there with both modes of transportation. How many stories have you heard of loco techs getting ‘bit’ by their vehicles? There may be some but compare that to the sheer volume of locos vs. hybrids.
Also, on Toyo’s pro-active nature- they (at or near the release of gen 1) requested of their Prius selling dealers to have the hybrid certified tech to become involved with their community/regional responders to get the info out. Emergency response information on the Prius is also available to anyone via web or dealer.
As with any new technology, information and familiarization are key- and Toyo has been upfront and proactive in this.
As I said, this thread wasn’t my idea, I just borrowed the idea from another forum. But it does seem to be doing just fine here.
I am enjoying the “car chat”. I hope that maybe more will be produced and we can lower our dependence on foreign oil. Of course OPEC will then probally cut back their production and then the scrub will have “heard” they have WMD and we will have to invade them and “for their own good of course”.
I am drinking some raspberry drinkaid (Kroger brand of KoolAid). I drink it or milk after work. It is almost 1 am so I don’t drink coffee now. Come 8 am the coffee pot will be going and I will then have a cup of black coffee.
Well the big news of my day is . . . . . Jim the klutz might have broken another toe today. [:(] This never happens when I am wearing shoes, only when running around the house barefoot and getting ready to jump in the shower. Today just before shower time I ran my right foot into the couch. The first broken toe was on my left foot so at least I am an equal opportunity toe breaker. At least this one doesn’t hurt as much since the couch is cover with material. The bookshelf was a totally different story though. IT HURT. This one does hurt but not as bad. It has that burning feeling, and constant numbness. I am not sure about going to see the doctor about it. The last time all he did was xray it, and tape it to another toe. But I did get an RX for some pain pills [;)] So I am debaiting about going or not. And on top of that I have a different appointment with another doctor. So I am debaiting with myself about it. [:0]
And how was YOUR day. [?] [:)] [:p] [8D]
Lights on - coffee made - and toes are all counted.
HOUSE SHOES’ !?[:D][}:)][swg]
Sorry to hear about the toes, I hate when that happens. And I’ve done it a few times and theres nothing to do for them really, except live with it til they heal.
On a much happier note, thanks for the Cinco De Mayo reminder. It was the perfect excuse to go out for a good Mexican dinner, and Big Girl and I took full advntage. The place was hoppin’ even at 8PM, which around there is not the norm. It was kind of like Mexican St Patrick’s Day, everyone is a little Mexican.[swg]
On a rather trivial note, for anyone who pays attention to post count around here, there was a bit of a “shakeup” among the forum’s top 5 all time posters yesterday. Of course Mookie is still #1, but Jim managed to slip past Ed into second, and I got by Joe to move into 4th.[:P][;)]
Mookie would gladly relinqui***hat # 1 to anyone who wants it. Not only is it lonely at the top, but I never look at that. Seems kind of a shame to waste it on someone who forgets to look, or for that matter, doesn’t really care. So anyone that wants it is welcome to it. I’m still partial to the green! They are really gorgeous! Purple is next!
(Now watch the powers that be switch me back to 1 post!)
Jim is more that welcome to the second spot, the number of stars beside my name only means I talk a lot.
But Jim has started and participated in many topics, and he has so many contributions to the humor thread we should get together and buy him a mike and stand, so he can take it on the road…
Like my dad, who was chief petty officer in the Navy, I am perfectly happy where I am at.
All the perks of a officer, but none of the hassels…
But I am waiting to see what color stars Mookie ends up with…
…Yes, Jim…house shoes and perhaps with hard toes…Cover where there is a hazard.
Seperate issue, and because this is the coffee shop, hopefully it will not be deleted.
First, coffee, black, two eggs, fried over hard, grits, hash browns and chewy bacon, with toast.
Extra butter, please, real butter, not oleo, I dont care about my cholestrol…
Someone pass the salt and pepper, please, and is there any Tabsco in the house?
Been looking at the photos from Iraq, of the abuse of the prisoners, and have wondered how the military folks here, both active and retired, feel.
As for myself, well, we are supposed to be the good guys, right?
And the powers that be should have know that not only was this going on, someone, somewhere, would take a photo and it would get published.
These acts of meaness by a few, will undo hundreds of acts of kindness by many, and, in the eyes of the rest of world, make us, the American people, look like the barbarians they are told and think we are.
After all, wasnt the offical reason we went there was to free them from just such acts of evil?
It isnt how we are supposed to act…
sounds like you need steel toed slippers around the house.
stay safe
…Concur Ed…Fully…I can’t believe the officiers starting up the chain of command didn’t know some of this was going on…and then to learn our people clear up to the Sec. of Defense were aware of this now for several months and hid it under a bushel…not even informing the President…Some heads should roll…!
THIS IS NOT AMERICAN CULTURE…and as an ex GI, I resent what it implies to all of us…[V]
…By the way here in the last few minutes in my theoretical diner along side of the computer monitor I just had 3 pieces of great raisin bread toast with real butter [Ed], and coffee…So, that allows me to continue and soon go for my daily walk before starting other things. Really great raisin toast. And what a string of beautiful days we are having…Into the 80’s and still low humidity…but not for long.
I am noting that I am the only one at the depot at this time. Guess I have to get up earlier. Nice train action out the window though.
Re: Iraq. What the H… were they thinking? This has to be one of the dumbest things ever. My interest in WWII history, and as a Viet Nam vet, I don’t condone, but understand how bad actions can happen in the heat of battle, but this?
Another nice day in Southern Wisconsin-time to get going, the yard needs work and Matt is in a tennis meet later today.
And - they are talking about Friends on the radio -
I didn’t watch Seinfeld, Friends and haven’t watched a sit-com since Ally McBeal. So is anyone going to watch it? They say bring a tissue with you. Still not going to watch!
And - they are taking a senator, I believe, to task because he has stated Iraq is a war we can’t win. How insightful! Too bad the powers that be don’t agree. But then, that is my opinion and you know how opinions are…everyone has one…etc.