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Detroit River tunnel project moving ahead, but approvals still needed
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Detroit River tunnel project moving ahead, but approvals still needed
Where is the new tunnel to be built? I don’t see any mention of that in the article.
What? No NIMBY gangs to muck up progress? I was figuring on at least one gang complaining about more noise. But just in case they do show up late to this party, I ask of them this question: Why did you purchase property so close to the railroad if you can’t handle the noise?
So, environmental reviews and a “presidential” permit are still required? Sounds like automatic roadblocks.
It will be built between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, near the existing twin tunnels (former NYC).
I have to back-off what I said earlier about the owner of the Detroit River highway bridge, a large trucking company, and also the abandoned Michigan Central Terminal. Originally after the new rail tunnel was to be built, they would convert the old twin tunnels into highway tunnels. Once it was determined the old tunnels were unsuitable for road conversion, the bridge owner was OK with it. Link to the story, and also map & cross-section:
Since the international tunnel could be another entry point for Tar Sand Oil, the environmentalist may insist against allowing oil trains to use it, however, oil trains will fit thru the existing tunnels.
Another possible obstacle is man who owns the highway bridge, a large trucking company, and also the abandoned Michigan Central Terminal. He bankrolled a state constitutional amendment referendum to block Canada & Michigan from building a second highway bridge. The referendum failed, but he is still fighting it. He bought the old MC Terminal to create some sort of international transportation hub. I expect he will fight a double stack tunnel also.
I’ve seen videos of autoracks AND double stacks running through that tunnel so I don’t understand why they need to build a new one. Is it for oversized loads?
Will the exact location be even a little more conducive to through passenger trains between Detroit and Windsor?
I don’t understand why they need a new tunnel as I have seen videos on YouTube of both double stack and autorack trains running through the tunnel. What else could they possibly need to fit through the tunnel which isn’t big enough? Are they trying to accommodate for extra-large loads that are somehow bigger than autoracks or double stacks?
The tunnel that can accommodate the double-stacks and auto racks is not at Detroit, but up north of Lake St. Clair by Port Huron, to inform Dodds of IL. Also a new tunnel will allow Amtrak Superliners and the other new double-deck passenger cars to easily fit through the new tunnel between Detroit and Windsor, enabling through passenger train service through Motown between the Windy City and CN Tower.