Does anyone have information on the Baldwin 2-6-6-2T Mallets from the 1920s

I’m planning on kit bashing an N scale replica of the Black Hills Central 2-6-6-2T “Mallet” type articulated tank engines. I’ve been trying to find information about them (mainly the dimensions) but I haven’t been able to. There seems to be very little records of these things before they were operated by the Black Hills Central. Does anyone have any information on them that they can share?


110 was built for Weyerhaeuser in 1928; made famous with Rayonier (where iirc it operated all the way to 1968, which seemed incredibly modern at one time…) Then got to the Nevada State Railway Museum where it was a static exhibit up to 1999.

Black Hills Central bought it from the museum and restored it in the early 2000s.

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I was asking about the class in general, not the specific locomotive shown (which I added as a reference). Since I’m gonna build a scale model (or at least as close to scale as I can with kit bashing), I’d like to know dimensions and stuff like that.

Thanks for the info on #110 though.

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There is no real “class in general” for these logging locomotives, although Weyerhaeuser Timber did have more than one 2-6-6-2T. Some information is on – look at “2-6-6-2 Prairie Locomotives in the USA” and scroll down to the end where it says ‘Weyerhaeuser’; you’ll see other logging engines in that listing which may have pictures.

Drawings might be in one of the Baldwin historical collections, e.g. at the DeGolyer Library in Texas. I would be astounded if the Black Hills Central did not have at least one good set of elevation drawings, and I’d expect in the course of restoration they made some of their own and took detail photographs. Someone with access to model-railroad magazine indexes might be able to point you at logging Mallet drawings.

A good resource was the Interchange, but they had some sort of DDoS attack and you can no longer register or reset credentials to log in.

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Welcome on board, UP_844.


What I meant by “class” was the 2-6-6-2T logging engines built by Baldwin. I’m aware that they were built to order for the railroads, but a lot of them were pretty similar in design from the few pictures I’ve been able to find.


Welcome aboard! :blush:

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