I just signed up for Train 81 for 81 in October and we’re planning other activity while we’re in the area. I know with COVID traffic is probably down but on a typical day, how many trains beside Amtrak are using the Donner Pass route between Sacramento and Reno? Is it worth spending a day there?
I’m not familiar with “Train 81”, and I couldn’t find any info for this online, so if possible, please advise what this is.
In regards to Donner Pass traffic (before the pandemic), I think the average number of trains over the pass was around 15-18 a day. I’m not sure what the average number is nowadays, but it seems less then before the pandemic started. I took a drive the other day up to Alta (located in the Sierras about 50 miles east of Roseville, CA) and saw 3 trains in about 1 hour. On the other hand, many times I’ve been trackside in the same location for approximately 4 hours and I didn’t see a single train. Despite this, It is definitely worth it to spend the day exploring Donner Pass.
If you go, a couple of tips: Get a good map of the area, and not just a Northern California road map. A few years ago, Trains Magazine published a “map of the month” called “Donner Pass, then and now”. This map is so good I still keep this map in my car. One nice thing is that it has the I-80 freeway exit numbers so you’ll know where you are. If you can interpret topographic maps and have a smart phone you might want to look at a app that utilizes topo maps. I like to use topo maps when checking out possible photo locations, like hilltops in the back of Cold Stream Canyon for example.
Avoid going “offroad” with your rental car, but you might want to get away from the I-80 freeway to see the Donner Pass route (away from the noise of the freeway).&
Thanks for all the details, Jeff. the 81 for 81 is a Trains photo charter at the Nevada Northern, 3 days of double headed steam.
Hi Harold,
Sounds like fun!
I’m not sure how much time you have to explore Donner Pass, but Donner Pass (Norden/Soday Springs, CA) is about a 6 hour drive from Ely, NV, or about 365 miles one way using highway 50. If you want to take I-80 for part of the way you’re looking at a one way drive time of over 7 hours. As a FYI, Norden to Sacramento is another 90 miles one way using I-80 over Donner Pass.
Hope this helps in your trip planning.
I realize this is well over a month old, but perhaps worth noting that UP seems to be running some trains directionally recently. For example, I see a lot of container trains west bound through the Feather River but Eastbound over Donner. Unfortunately the timetables available on line have not been updates to account for PSR changes so they aren’t valid. But you’re still guaranteed a few massive trains headed out a day and now all the stack trains have other non-intermodal tacked on to the end.