DT402D issue

I checked several batteries before installing them in my throttle and they are showing 9 volts or more. Every once in a while the throattle will power up, but not always. I cleaned the batter contacts but it didnt help. I dont see how the case can be taken apart to see if theres a bad wire connection. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Contact Digitrax to see what they have to say

How did you clean the battery contacts, might need a more aggresive aproch.

Check the Digitrax list on groups.io. There have been a couple threads the past few days about DT402D and DT400R repairs that include instructions on how to open/reclose the case.

(I’d post a link but I don’t think that’s allowed here.)

Have you cleaned the battery contacts? To resolve this situation, I think contacting Digitrax is most convenient.

Can you direct me that link?

I assume it runs when it is plugged in, correct?

I settled these never-ending battery issues on my system by using the Wifi accessory and my cellphone.
