Early GE U25C

It didn’t take long for GE U-boats to disappear from the rails, especially the early U25B and U25Cs. This BN U25C was built for the NP in 1965, and was sent to the scrapper only 16 years later. I know at least one SP U25B is at a museum. Do any U25Cs still exist?


I believe one of the two LS&I U25C locomotives is plinthed at either Marquette or Eagle Mills, MI. I am pretty sure its gutted though.

Not Running on Display in Marquette, Mi in LS&I colors #2501, We run the U30C and C30-7’s on the LS&I now

When I went up there a few years ago, there were also a couple of U23C’s there IIRC…are they still around?

Kaslo Shops has just released an updated drive for the AHM U25C in HO Scale that inlcudes all the detail parts and truck frames as well as the chassis and drive to bring one up to todays standards. I realize this is about the prototype but thought maybe someone would be interested. The is a Yahoo group calle the U25C project that has pictures and build tips for those interested.

Did GE use tri-mount trucks on the U25C?

Check this roster and I know NJ transit still have a few left.


I forgot to attach the link for NJ Transit Roster.


There are some units left like this one in Jessup Maryland, near route 32, at a stone dealer, one the CSX mainline.

This unit is A EX LV, and EX conrail, a U23B, All credit for this amazing picture by Rob Kitchen.

You can see this unit from google earth it moves just in the dealers, trackage

Ex-Conrail 2779

Conrail had a large quantity of U-Boats due to the take over of Erie. I use to see them NJ

Nope all gone just 2501 and what where running. I dont have pics of all, but I have some.

The NJTransit engines are long off the roster. But we had an amazing excursion with them to sat good-bye.

The first U23C built as LS&I #2300 is preserved at the Arkansas Railroad Museum as VLIX #2300. The locomotive is on loan to the museum courtesy of Ed Bower’s Vintage Locomotives Incorportated. Several other ex LS&I U23Cs may be in Mexico via VLIX. Photo dated Friday November 24, 2006 on the museum whisker tracks.

At least seven U25Bs are in varying forms of preservation. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GE_U25B and be sure to look in the discussion section for the complete list.

Preserved GE diesel data can also be found on R. Craig Rutherford’s Diesel Shop website here:


Took some shots of the 2501 from the ore dock…