Elliot's Trackside Diner FEBRUARY, 2013!

Goog Bordig

Welb…that just about does it for be. I dow hab a code…AGAIN!!! Fricking fracking mumbletygripe code!!![xx(][:(!][|(]…I ab goig roud with a basg od by face ad stayig hobe…do goig oud for this ode…[B)]

Todd: I’b still aroud 145lbs here…when I had myself weighed before I got this cancer thing I weighed almost 275lbs…is she storing clothes for if she gets bigger/smaller?[:-^][:^)]

Wow! 100 mph gusts! I wouldn’t want to see that here though it has happened occasionally.

Good morning. It’s 44° with 83% humidity. The high will be 58°.

Getting ready for my mothers memorial service this morning. Just taking a short time out to post this. I also have to get paying the bills out of the way today and get the first half of the groceries. I might be able to get some layout work in later. Well that’s all for now.

Coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

***Bear, I could see 2 Pacific locos in that pic, kit-bashed and MU’d together of course.[^o)]

***Ulrich, WOW, serious winds indeed.

***Alex, Thanks!

The high here will be 38F. I am definitely ready for summer!

[C):-)] Rob

Mornin Gang![C):-)]

Flo my dear, can I get 2 eggs over easy, with scrapple AND bacon and some wheat toast? Oh and some coffee in a Ravens mug?

Oh and girls, The coconut shells and grass skirts look great!![:P][:-,]

Woke up to a bed sheet of white this morning! Well, its only about an inch, so I can’t call it a blanket![swg] It’s a bit nippy out there! My sister is driving up from NC today. She hates snw with a passion. Kinda glad she’s staying at my other sisters house, that way I won’t have to hear her grousing about the snw!

Depending on the weather and my son’s work schedule, I may go down to see how Mom is this afternoon, as I may have to pick him up after he gets off work. Gonna be a full weekend for sure! Between DJ’s work schedule, Mom in the hospital, Sister in town, the Timonium show and the Superbowl, I got lots to see and do! [:D]

Ulrich, Sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish there was something we could say to ease the sadness.

Todd. Better to not question her clothing habits. You won’t understand. I watch my wife put on 2, sometimes 3 complete outfits before work, only to see the rejects land on the floor. Funny thing, a week later she will take the same outfit (the one she rejected a week earlier) put it on, and think she looks like a million buck in it.[*-)][%-)] And shoes! Sometimes I think I married Amelda Marcos![:O] She has (I kid you not) 1 particular style of shoe in 7 colors! and thats just the tip of the iceberg![(-D]

Barry, Get rid of that cold, quick![;)]


Strong winds like that are not uncommon in my neck of the woods. The usually hit us after you folks in the east of the US had a bad storm. The take their way over Greenland, refuel and than dump the load onto northern Germany. People have centuries of experience how to protect their property from strong winds, so damage is little.

Here is what I do when we have those north-westerners:

A family in our neighborhood built a home from a kit imported from Canada. It failed to receive the building inspector´s approval and had to be taken down again -. a costly experiment for the folks.

Morning, Zoe - I’ll have a waffle with maple syrup and two strips of bacon, glass of OJ, another of milk, and a Rio Grande mug of coffee, please. Yep, a bit hungry this morning. [dinner]

Trent, good to see you in the Diner - sent you a message through the Forum on a possible source for that Athearn/Santa Fe station to check. At least, an alternative to deBay place…

Garry, I just figured that the Sundown shops had gone to a new paint scheme on that 0-4-0…[:-^]

Hawaii, eh? Don’t know about those pineapple-macadamia nut muffins, though. I might go for pineapple muffins, though. [:^)]

JaBear - so even a streamlined double sea kayak might take a while, eh? [swg]

This morning it was a wind chill of 3 F here (not as bad as Todd and our Diners north of Cape probably had), with air temp of 13 F. Cold enough for me. 8 mph winds had a little edge to them (at least it was a dry cold, eh, Barry? [;)]). Supposed to reach 30 F for our ‘high’ temp today. Nothin’ compared to our NOTB Diners in Canada - they’d still be in short sleeves, or maybe (maybe) a light jacket at most…[:-^] At least our winds are supposed to die down today, as the high pressure dome moves our way.

Before I pulled out from my apartment’s parking lot this morning, I had to put the renewal stickers on my car’s license plates. Hard to

Good morning (I think) … 3 days ago it was 65 F. Now it is 16F.

Galaxy … Thanks for posting the information about Hawaiian rails. I’ll look at it later today.

Ulrich … I’m sad to hear about your Dad’s situation.

Jeff … Blessings to you, your Dad and your family for the memorial.

Todd … Talk about clothes belong to the female gender. This house has his and her closets with the master bedroom. That did not last long. Quickly, they became hers and hers closets. I keep my stuff in a guest bedroom closet. Guess whose clothes are in the other guest bedroom closets. [:-^]

Ulrich is having bad weather. James in Oz had some bad weather. Fear not, international friends Down Under, Europe, Canada, etc. The United States Congress is solving the global weather problems, and as a result we must buy only curly-que light bulbs. I’m doing my part because, yesterday, I paid good money to replace emissions equipment in Shelley’s car. [:^)] Let us know when you notice the improved weather. conditions.

In WPF I posted the same one I posted here with the 2-6-6-2 and the 0-6-0. On the layout, I am working on some scenery.


good morning, hopefully everybody will get by unharmed by inclement weather. pardon me while I go cook some eggs for the dogs and bury myself in home work.

Jim … Those muffins sound very good. Do you recall the Pineapple Princess?

Gary … You cooked eggs for the dogs? … Well be careful or else the yolk will be on you.


Garry, I am at a point at which it starts to pull me down. In the last days, I had as much as 30 calls from my dad and my mom, most of them from my mom, who had forgotten she had called me a few minutes earlier. I have a hard time to stay calm. Whenever the phone rings, I fear for the worst, my BP jumps up and my heart rate skyrockets. There is not a night I find a proper sleep. Don´t know for how much longer I will be able to cope with the situation.

Talking of the curly-ques, they will be most likely banned here pretty soon. LED technology has made a step up development and prices for LED lamps have fallen below the mark of those mecury evaporating “energy-savers”.

Edit: Oh, no! Tops again. Dinner is on me, folks!

What a great overview of the island’s railway. You’ve filled in a piece of railroad history that I had no idea existed.



Mornin’ everyone!

Zoe, I’ll have a couple of those Pineapple upside down swirly roll thingies and lots of dark roast coffee to wash it down with. Thank you Ma’am.

So we ended up in Hahwareya I guess. Nice morning swim to get here too… Actually all I could see outside this morning when I got up was white! Couldn’t see the tree 50’ away from the window…It has since cleared up a bit, but we seem to be in a Lake Effect band today. Got up a few minutes early to check on Blackie.

Speaking of my cats… Blackie doesn’t like the chicken flavored Pill Pockets and won’t eat one even without a pill hidden in it. Manét ate the one I tried to give to Blackie as soon as I put it down on the floor. I will see if the vet has any of the salmon flavor ones and try that with Blackie. I had to stick my finger with the pill half way down Blackie’s throat yesterday and this morning, but he did swallow it (after several tries). Since the pill bottle says to give with food, I offered him some of his new food which both of them love, from my hand. He eagerly ate it right up and then hobbled out to the kitchen to ask for more. So both cats got some food early today.

Ulrich, my prayers for your dad, but most of all for you and Petra during this time. I know you know that you have done you very best for them! To everything there is a season… Peace, my friend.

Barry, take care of yourself with the cold! There is some nasty stuff going around so don’t hesitate to seek medical help… Ah, I’m preaching to the choir again! My sister brought a cold home with her from Ghana…

Rob, thanks for the cat food suggestion. I will look into it but would not get anything new for

Sunney 77 today, this is the warmest day of the week though.

T March you must be computer knowlegable to have the little circle degree symbol in your post on page two. I think I have it written down somewhere how to do it but it would take me awhile to find it if I even have it. I don’t remember seeing it before in the forums.

Today I am BBQeing 18 1/2 lbs of chicken, I do this perodically, by the time I have it all put away, mostly I freeze it, and cleaned up the day will be over for me.

can I come over? I’ll bring some trains and track. [:D]

Hi Guys

We got a fair bit of snow last night here. Spent the morning shoveling snow. I will spend the rest of the weekend working on the layout and other model railroad projects before I start my new job next week. I have orientation on Monday and then start Wednesday night. I’m going to try to finish up some small model railroad things because I don’t know how long it will take me to get used to a night shift as I have never done it before. Im looking forward to the Super Bowl also on Sunday.

Coffee refill please. Running on fumes here, trying to stay awake for evening critter rounds.

Have been in touch with the Beyer Garratt folks and they do not have the model in stock that I would want, so big sigh of relief here.[(-D] That said, they expect a shipment sometime next month that will have one.[:-^]

Hope everyone is doing well. Healing thoughts to all those in need.

Cheers! [C):-)] Rob

Well the memorial service for my mother went very well. There were a lot of old friends there to share their thoughts and memories. It was a very good turnout. My father had a lot to say, sharing 57 years of memories takes a while. I got a few photos to share also.

The podium for the speakers:

Her graduation picture from Troup High School, 1955. Yeh Tigers! She and my father met at the high school prom. It was being held in Jacksonville Texas at the Liberty Hotel ballroom. He was in the army then stationed at Camp Chaffee (now Fort Chaffee) Arkansas and was hitchhiking home to Austin Texas to see his parents. He stopped at the Liberty hotel for the night. He cleaned up and went to see what was happening in the ballroom. The entrance-way to the ballroom is where they met. They got married in December 1956.

Her final resting place at the Veteran’s Memorial cemetery. She’s on a hilltop where she can keep an eye on things.

Now to introduce you to my great-nephew John. A 5 year old train nut. The kid is insane about trains! He’s seen photos and videos of what I have so I’m his favorite person. I think I caught him in the middle of a dance step in this photo.

Afternoon guys

I messed with tmy 2 BLI C30-7s as of late. I installed Hi-tech details anticlimbers (notched to fit around the handrails) to them and painted the cut levers black with white ends. Unfortunately the green paint I used on the anti-climbers is coming off. I noticed they had different sideframes. One has outside high brake cylinders and the other has inside low brake cylinders. I’ll have to call BLI and see if I can get one of them swapped to the low inside type. (Atlas U30Cs have the right sideframes, but they have circular mounting pins, BLI’s is square.)

Ulrich, Sorry to hear about your dad. The 100 MPH gusts don’t suprise me much. We had some close to that here yesterday.

Evening All,

I started my coal mine project by clearing the area. Because of the awkward location I will have to build the mountain off layout then place it on it.

My friend was able to go home today and says he feels great.

Tomorrow morning I am meeting Phil for coffee.

Jeff- It looks and sounds like your family had a wonderful service for your Mother.

Hope everyone has a good night and prayers for those in need.