Elliots Trackside Diner IV, Under New Management!

Welcome to Elliots Trackside Diner, now under new management!

Take a seat, watch some trains, and have a nice chat with Zoe!

Free pancakes and soda for the first 100 customers!

Hah! That gets me out of a tab!

OzarkBelt wrote:

Click image to view full size.

Morning all, i’ll have the usual. here’s some pics from my trip to FL:

Click image to view full size.

A present I got from my Family

Isn't it cool? I've got a tender for it made, And I;m working on a coach.

IO forgot to tell you guys, Tuesday we have a bloodrive, and I donated to the IBC.

Ole’ Smoothie for me Zoe.

Welcome back, Ozark!

JEFF: Been following your posts on the elec. forum and hopin’ you can help me here.

I have a Bachman sd40, DCC on board, brand new.Programmed the #(Digitrax),ran it for a month or so with no problems,really like it.

BUT(ya saw this coming, didn’t you!),the headlite, then the rear litestarted to dim. Then it started moving on its’ own even when not addressed to a throttle.Rear lite went off alltogether,can’t get it to turn on.Then it quit responding to ANY command.It plain DIED on me!I thought to factory reset,thinking it might be that,but haven’t yet. Won’t respond to 03 commands either.[sigh]

I did nothing to it other than programming a #.Any idea what’s going on?


Feel better posting this here than out on the forum.I’m a moron with this stuff!

I was in the bathroom at the old Diner when suddenly all the lights went out and I was locked in!


in a SOUTHERN mug, please & thank you!

Good thing the coffee hasn’t changed. It’s always been the best to be had.

[C):-)] Rob

Hey what happened, wouldn’t they let you guys in the other diner?

Vermont maple syurp and extra butter…make my soda Jones green apple please. I was never in the old place, but this place reminds me of the diner a block away from school in Queens, N.Y.

It had great food and always great company…


Hello everybody …

Was there a problem with Ryan’s Mexican menu? … It was good to me. …

happy Model railroading!

Holy Toledo Batman; we got kicked out of version III pretty fast.

“Was there a problem with Ryan’s mexican menu?” I don’t know, ask the guy that was locked in the head.


I assume we’re talking about a Bachmann decoder?

First question: Did you program it on the main line or on a program track. If you did it on a program track and it didn’t work out try programming it on the main.

Second question: Did you reprogram any CV’s. Those cheap Bachmann decoders tend to be really picky about that. Try a factory reset on it and see what happens. What do you have to lose. My thought on this is that the decoder is dead.

If it were my choice I would be getting a better type decoder for it. I prefer the Digitrax DZ125. It can ba hardwired in and is small enough (Z scale) that it can fit anywhere. I have a pair mounted in a pair of Athearn BB F7’s and they’re running good.

New Management, but I see we’ve kept the same helpful and proficient staff. Smart move! There’s always Cousin Vinny to think about.

Ryan: It was with some trepidation that I posted the Billion thing including the N.O. references. I took it that the author was illustrating the mind blowing size of a Billion rather than jabbing at those who are rebuilding. Anyway, illustration was my intent in including that section, and I did realize that you, in particular, would feel somewhat closer to the situation than I, hence the trepidation. No offence meant. [B)]

Paul: He hasn’t swung by yet, but we have a “resident” Paul already. Generally these duplications are solved geographically (CapeJim and OZJim spring to mind.) So…if you could let us know more or less where you are, we could get to know you as "xxxxJohn, perhaps.

also Bob…but that name seems somewhat familiar.[%-)]

Have some soldering to do in the “back shop” having replaced the wheels of my VIA loco with NWSL thinner profile ones. I may have introduced some wobble, as this is N to begin with, and I don’t have the right tools either. We shall see, once the trucks are re-soldered to the power wires, and I can test things out.

Goodnight all, and God Bless. I hope PC gets in with good news about his son’s op. Prayers for all in need of healing, comfort and peace.[angel]

You know this dinner is starting to move more often than I do and thats bad I been moving about every years and this is beeting me lol.

Hope all is well with everyone. Just got done work so time to relax NOT!! Time To get back to packing for up coming move to columbia, SC (I keep in pos that it is going to happen)

Talk to you all later

Hey, I dropped by ordered Ryan’s Mexican Food special and the lights went out. I am still hungry.



New Video Up!

Remembering the Lamoille Valley

New management? Flo and Zoe are still here, aren’t they? I sent Zoe my recipe for Sauerbraten last week and she promised to add it to the menu. Oh, BTW, Zoe, you don’t have to bake an ENTIRE ginger cake to use in the sauce, you can just get a package of ginger cookies and crumble them up. But remember, Zoe, you’ve gotta marinate the beef for a WEEK. If it doesn’t knock you across the room when you take it out of the 'fridge, then it isn’t quite ready yet, okay?

Okay, now I feel better.

Tom [:P]

Well, I was going to give everyone an update earlier today on my son’s surgery this morning. I couldn’t though because, though I can log on and read the forum from the hospital, I can’t post.

Anyways, the surgery was a success! He was in surgery from 9:30am til almost 5:00pm. They had some problems (they had trouble waking him up…a symptom of the MD), but he’s through it and the prognosis is good. His feet are 90 degrees to his legs for the first time in his life. He’ll have about 6 weeks in the casts and then 3 months in braces day and night, then two years of braces just at night. But my son will walk, and that wheelchair that they told him was only a decade away, …it looks like he may never see it! Thank you God!

And thank you all for your prayers!

Great vid Guilford Guy! I got 2 Sountraxx DSD 101LC Sound Decoders & 2 speakers from Tony’s Trains Exchange. Installin them in 2 Bachmann Berks.

PC, I’m very happy for your son!

That’s excellent news Phillip! FREE CAKE AND ICE CREAM ON THE HOUSE!

Guilford, I like the way you mange Elliot’s! I’ll have a soda & Strawberry Ice Cream.[dinner]

***Philip, that is OUTSTANDING news. So happy for your and yours. Sending healing htoughts your son’s way. [tup]

***Alex, great shots in that video. Some real well used workhorses & equipment.

Got some stuff listed on the bay. Exhausted tonight, so am heading for bed where I am going to eat pizza and watch TV awhile. Have a good night all.

[C):-)] Rob