Embrace the Spaghetti Bowl

I have an N-Scale 4x8 layout based on the famouse Granite Gorge & Northern track plan. This is pretty much the definition of a “Spaghetti Bowl” plan, but I love it!

I try to create vignettes with limited sight lines so that the spaghetti nature is not obvious unless the entire layout as observed from above.

Brewery Scene

Commercial Row

Industrial Skyline



Famous Cleveland Flats Industry

Naked Track

Nice work. Nothing wrong with the “spaghetti bowl” and I think that type of design works well when done with care as you have done. It’s the poorly thought out plans of newbies trying to cram as much track into a space that turned hobbyists off to multi-track designs.

I run 1:1 trains in the Northeast USA. I would have to say in Newark and Jersey city you have an actual proto type of a spaghetti bowl with tracks going everywhere, and what is cool is that they keep building more tracks in this area. We have CSX, NJ Transit, Path, NS, NYSW, Conrail Shared Assets, all very busy in this area. I do like what you have done it looks, realistic for an urban area.

Outstanding work. Never would I consider what you are doing a jumbled mess. It actually looks logically laid out.

I like using buildings as view blocks and allowing trains to hide behind them. I think that does true justice to urban model railroading, maintaining the tight look of urban canyons while still letting the trains run freely. Well done!

There are so many published track plans from the high point of the spaghetti bowl layout era that I suspect there will always be a place for them.

And it always did strike me as funny or strange that the loudest voices criticizing the lack of realism of spaghetti bowl type track plans (because the train might go through the same scene two or three times before moving on) are the same ones extolling the virtues of track plans where there is an alternative universe suspended 90 scale feet in the air (i.e., double deck layouts).

Dave Nelson

That’s a great looking railroad!
I would say the term " spaghetti bowl" does not exist, because we all have limits to the space available for trains. My second N gauge layout was a 4x4 based on John Armstrong’s " Monopoly and Octopus" in Atlas’ book of track plans. It was jam packed!

You have concealed it very well, it is coming out great! Should be fun to operate.


I agree. It looks great in the pictures you have shared.


Thanks. :slight_smile: I’ll post more pictures with different sight lines. I’ll also attempt a top down picture that captures everything in one frame.

I love this! Thanks for sharing all the photos

You are welcome. I hope to post more and possibly video.

Yes, please do post a video! Excellent work!