EMD Model 40 electricals

Through excellent articles in Trains magazine over the years, we have learned how diesel locomotives work, with Woodward governors, transition steps, and the like. I would like to know how the diminutive Model 40 works/worked. Does it have an 8-position throttle? Is the main generator field excited only when the throttle is no longer in “Idle” position? Is there a series-parallel transition? How fast can the locomotive operate under its own power? What is the maximum permissible speed as governed by traction motor gearing? Is operation with only one of the two 6-71 diesel engines running possible? Are both engines started using the battery, or is the second engine started using power from the first? Is there an operator’s manual to be read somewhere? Last but not least: Is there any Model 40 preserved in operating condition? Quite a few questions about a little (EMD’s smallest?) loco!
Greetings from Sweden

Those are some good questions. I wish i could answer some for you. Good luck.

Do you mean locos like the GP/SD 40, or are you refering to the DD40?

none of the above, zardoz… Model 40 is a diesel mouse (In between a GE 45 tonner and a Plymouth ML8)

You might try posting the question on the forum at www.railroad.net/ on the EMD diesel forum.The Diesel Spotter’s Guide says only 11 were built .A HO scale model of it may go on sale soon. Joe G.