Hope you are finding time to work on your layouts and staying healthy.
My question is has anyone used the EZ Line product for the rigging rope used in logging camps? Since they have it in many colors and it seems to retain it’s taut look, would that work instead of thread or wire? I’m modeling in HO scale.
Ok, I will check at the Walmart but they haven’t had any deliveries of Hobby stuff for quite a few months. I didn’t think the cost of the EZ line was outrageous. Thank you.
Peter, I don’t mean to get off topic but if you don’t mind, can you tell me a little bit about this boat? It looks fantastic. Was this built from a kit or scratch built?
Pardon me Streetspook, not my intention to hijack your thread. Btw, the Syren line has kept it’s looks and tautness on the tug for 5 years now and the fishing boat a year so far.
Ralph, Thanks for the nice comment. The Western Rig Dragger is a Seaport Model Works resin kit. Was a challenging build to which I added and substituted some parts and materials, along with some customizing.
Bill, I used .020 (heavy) black EZ line on the wharf hoist, to my eye the Syren rope looks better.
I believe Cloverhouse still stocks small diameter 7 strand blackened copper wire to simulate stranded cable/wire rope. Weathered, rusted and frayed it looks good around an industrial scene.
Peter, thanks again for the additional info. What I like, from pics I have seen, is that the EZ Line does not droop or take on weird angles like thread does and seems to install easier. I’ll check out what I can find nearby. I’m in WA state on the East side of the cascades so my options are somewhat limited to actually go and see the item before purchasing.
My pleasure. The EZ Line installs ez, is springy and holds tension. Certainly handy for representing wire and guy lines, etc. Btw, sent U a PM. Happy Monday and regards, Peter
I tried to respond to your message but was unable. Don’t know if it’s me or the website. You can only press “reply” so many times. Thank you for your kind offer but hold off for now. Let me try and see what I can find here locally first.