Hello Jeremy here can someone please post a diagram on how exactly to build a bachmann EZ Track 3 point wye Using the # 5 right and left turnouts, and #5 Wye switch to merge the 2 tracks together at the tail end Of the wye? I cannot get the legs of the wye to line up properly using the 3 #5 switches. In between the 2 turnouts of the wye I want to have a straight connecting track or mainline I guess u could call it. I am using standard 18 inch radius curves for the legs of the wye. I am missing something to get it to line up but I’m not sure exactly what curved sections I need to make it all line up properly. Any info/help on this will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Jeremy5150.
Folks I just need to know what curves I need to use with the #5 turnouts to form a 3 point wye? my 2 turnouts are #5 and so is the wye turnout that connects the 2 legs into the tail of the wye? Please help anyone. sincerely Jeremy5150. I posted this before trying to use the standard EZ track turnouts but now I have received my #5 turnouts left and right and also the #5 wye switch and I am having a hell of a time gettingvthe 2 legs of the wye to line up right and conhect into the #5 switch.
Sorry I don’t have a diagram (actually I do but it is too hard to post it) but try this…
left hand #5 turnout. Off the curved branch: full 18" curve, 2" straight, 18" curve, 1/3 18" curve, #5 wye turnout
From the other side of the wye, two full 18" curves, 1/2 18" curve, then the right hand #5 turnout curved side.
For the straight between the turnouts three 9" straights, a 2.25", and a 2" straight.
I don’t have EZ-track, but Using the Bachmann EZ track library of the track planning software I use, it says this should work. It looks like there is about a 0.5 to 1.0 degree error in the whole thing. There are enough joints through the whole thing that, that small of an error will probably not be noticable.
Thanks Texas ZephYr. not to be a pain in the ass but what are the 2 little 2 inch pieces of EZ track for included with the wye swith, and both #5 turnouts? Do these little 2 inch pieces go on the side of the switch that diverges out or are they used for the straight inbetween the 2 legs of the wye? I am thinking those little sections u have shown on the straight between the 2 legs of the wye mite be those little 2 inch sections? I notice u can’t connect 2 tracks to the turnouts without breaking the little tab section off the 2 inch sections. This allows you 2 join the 2 tracks to the turnouts so the sections don’t overlap each other where the join together at the swith. Any ideas? I do not see these 2 inch sections on the diagram either on the switches.
I just looked at some pictures of them on-line, and I do not know what they might be for. Maybe when the two of the straight turnouts are connected in cross-over style they make the straight tracks be the same length or at least match a standard length like 9"? Just guessing, I would think someone else here on the forum does and would be able to anwer that question.
Nope, no ideas but a 2" piece of track is a 2" piece of track, so I say Woo Hoo! Now don’t have to go out and buy one. The overlap at the turnout is a common problem with track that has roadbed pre-attached. It doesn’t hurt anything to trim a corner off here and there.
Looking at the pictures of the actual product on-line, and looking at the turnout’s geometry on the diagram I would say the small pieces are NOT included on the switches in the diagram.
FYI - I noticed the straight track on the diagram is not like I described in the text. The diagram has a 3" section and a 1.25" section rather than the 2" and 2.25" like I described. Doesn’t really matter as they both add to 4.25"…
Sorry I am not more help. I just am not knowledgeable of the
the small pieces that come with turnouts have angles in the roadbed side that snap off. they are used because other pieces dont fit with the angle of the adjoinging roadbed on switches. I found this out by a happy accident.