I’m trying to find a 2004 Lionel Holiday Item which is out of stock everywhere. Other than contstantly monitoring eBay is there any web site where you can register what you’re looking for? Any other suggestions? As usual, thanks to all you regulars who keep this site alive so deadbeats like me can use it to solve our problems! You’re really appreciated!
What is the item?
Richard, it’s a Lionel O Gauge Christmas Box Car (6-36275). I decided just this year I’d get a box car for the years my two sons were born. 1999 was a breeze but 2004 has instantly become rare. If you check out the car you can see why. It’s got a picture of Santa holding a Lionel steam engine in both hands with the caption “Some Toys are meant for Santa to Keep.” I’m actually kind of surprised I just didn’t buy it when I saw it in the catalog–it’s that neat a car. (I’m probably self-defeating here–now others will be scrambling for it!)
You can go to the section “my eBay”, and list the item (I would be as brief as possible), and they will notify if one comes on the auction block. List it ie: “lionel 2004 Christmas”. Also, try some of the older Lionel dealers that list in CTT. I would call them as this is a item that they may have on the shelf, but not list in a add.
Good Luck,
found on ebay for you Lionel 2004 Large Scale Christmas Boxcar MIB Item number: 6027326850
Starting bid: US $24.99
Time left: 6 days 10 hours
7-day listing, Ends Jan-11-06 21:06:41 PST
Start time: Jan-04-06 21:06:41 PST
History: 0 bids
Item location: New Britain, CT
United States
Ships to: United States, Canada, Europe
Shipping costs: US $15.00 – UPS Ground
Shipping, payment details and return policy
Seller information
amatohobby ( 6271)
Feedback Score: 6271
Positive Feedback:
Thanks Dennis–I kind of thought you could do that on eBay but didn’t know how–you’ve save me time figuring out their jungle.
Thanks Richard–I saw that too but it’s a G and I need an O. Thanks for your assistance!
Hello Ron! Give The Trading Post Train Shop a call. They are in Cleveland,Ohio and their ph# is : 1-216-661-7300. They usually have out of stock items from years past. Also, Try Joseph Gryzbozki’s Train Shop in Scranton,Pa. He also has a huge Stock of Lionel and may have what you want. Go to his website and send him a e-mail and see if he has what you’re looking for.Take Care & have a nice evening.
Called a friend who ownes “The Train-Station” in Mountain Lakes, NJ. He knows the car you are looking for, but sold out quickly. He says that cars like that will be snatched up, but in about 3-4 years, you will start to see them being sold/resold. Anyway, I will keep an eye out for you.
Keith: Thanks, I’ll call Trading Post in morning. Checked Joseph Gryzbozki’s last week to no avail. Your help is appreciated! You have a nice evening too!
Dennis: Thanks so much for calling your friend. And it’s good to hear a train expert feels that they will end up available in three or so years. You’ve been a great help!
Rob: Hate to say it but I already Googled and Yahooed and I followed up every single lead. If you can find a shop that actually has one on the list you sent I shall happily pay you a generous finder’s fee! But thanks for your effort!
Hello Ron! Maybe Grand Central in Lincoln,Neb has one of these Boxcars. They’ve run huge ads in CTT for years.Go to their website and check them out. Take Care.
Following on to eBay, if you add the item to Favorite Searches, you can choose to be notified via email whenever the item is listed for sale. I’ve been doing this for some time now to locate Lionel postwar items, with good results.