Flying Yankee annual meeting 2024

The annual meeting of the Flying Yankee Association will be held this upcoming Saturday, April 6th, at 10:30 Eastern time, at the Weeks Public Library on 36 Post Road Greenland, NH.

Note that you can ‘attend’ via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 851 6760 1296

Passcode: 583135

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I assume that if any of us attend via zoom that you would recommend that we should turn off our personal video and microphones unless or until there’s a Q and A period?

I do that anyway for most Zoom ‘meetings’. [(-D]

I think that it’s intended as an open-to-the-public meeting since it’s being held at a public library and openly advertised. So it might actually be beneficial to ‘show the flag’ and participate openly, not just at the end…

There you go, I lit it up for everyone.

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I have no detailed notes of the meeting, but a post on RyPN this morning notes that the Flying Yankee organization has been approved as the ‘purchaser of record’ from the state for the train

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Seems this thing pops up every 10-15 years going to a “better” home for restoration. I have a feeling there will be urbex videos 30 years from now of the “abandoned flying yankee train” found in a industrial backlot, or buried in a scrapyard.

Hope I’m wrong.

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Saw a video of the new owners moving the train and putting it on a side track, circa Sept 2024. Supposed plans to house it in some kind of building they are planning to build. Dunno.

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I do that at all my zoom meetings.


Same here, if for nothing else that each active audio and video feed puts an additional load on the zoom server. Turning off the microphone when not talking also makes the meeting a better experience for the other participants.