From the UK: Daily Mail: World's smallest Train Set

The world’s smallest train set with a scale of 1/35200!

Perhaps somebody with greater computer skills than I can post the pictures.

Well, to say I am impressed would be exaggerated. Though interesting from a pure technical point of view, that “thing” has no resemblance to a train at all, it is just “something” smaller than a grain of rice, circling around. There is no train atmosphere - if that´s the way the hobby is heading, I start to collect stamps.

Easy now Ulrich [;)], It is to be appreciated for what it is, a model railroad on a model railroad!

And as such I think it is a wonderful achievement.

I would actually like to have one in a shop-window on my own layout…

Ulrich, do you have any idea how small Z scale is? This layout sets in the window of a Z scale hobbyshop and actually goes around.

Personally I think David did a very nice job of representing a model train on a tiny layout.

But if you can do better?

… sorry, if you misread my statement - from a pure technical point of view, the achievement is amazing, but these things are just too small to give me that “railroad feeling” - just like Eishindo´s T scale trains.