Gar-Graves Track vs Atlas O 21st century Track

I am looking to switch over from LIonel Fas-Track to either Gar-Graves or Atlas O and I was wondering both the pros and cons of both companies track.

Before I get into the pros and cons, I used GG and Ross switches on my layout, I work part time at a train store and relative to Atlas its feedback I’ve gotten from customers and things I’ve read elsewhere.

GG - same features as other tubular track: can be soldered to, center rail after removing black coating; can wedge spade connectors into underside of track; connects to Ross switches, IMO the best made; easy to bend flex sections; easy to tie into tubular; and probably other benifits I take for granted.

Atlas - Looks great; solid nickle alloy rail; does not benefit with Magnetraction; have been told it is difficult to solder; have had reports of conductivity problems requiring frequent power feeds; had a number of early production switches returned with problems; cost comparable to Fastrack

I’m sure others will have more to say.

GG - Has wood ties so the two outside rails are issolated from each other. If you are carful with your wiring, it can run both 2 rail DC and 3 rail AC.

GG - 1/3 the price of Atlas

We use GG track at the museum with Ross switches and I love it.

Atlas track is quieter than the Gargraves and the Gargraves Flex is a lot easier to bend than Atlas Flex.

If you do go with Atlas track, I’d still recommend Ross Custom Switches. There are adapter pins that will allow the Atlas track to mate with the Ross Switches.

BTW, If you do go with GargGraves make sure you predrill the holes in the ties before screwing them down. The wooden ties do split easily if overstressed (I pre-drill and countersink)

I have used GG track and Fastrack. GG does look a lot more real but I had a lot of trouble with their switches and had to send three of them back to the factory for repars. Finally I said the heck with it and went to Fastrack. I guess its all in ones preference.

I too use GG and Ross Switches. As a matter of fact I bought a case of GG “Phantom” track in the mid 70’s. Most of it was used for display purposes. I recently built a layout (2yrs ago) and of course used the GG. Now there are curved sections available from Ross and GG, they are really well worth it. I have absolutely no problems with the old or newer track sections. (The ties on the older are faded somewhat, actual weathering.)

The Ross switches are great! I have 72" curves and when I need a pair of switches for connecting tracks, the 11 degree switches are better than the 72 curved. The benefit is 1. You can position and control the transisition much better. (Gettting the tracks closer). 2. The transisition is more prototypical.

Regarding aesthetics, I actually like the Atlas better. Especially the spikes in the ties.

Enjoy !

Thanks for the info guys!!!,My hobby shop carries both Atlas And Gar-Graves and I just wanted to know the diffrence between the 2 so thanks for the help guys!!!, I am still thinking on which one to go with but,right now I am Leaning towards Gar-Graves but, I would like to hear what other people have to say before I make my Final Pick!!

I run all Atlas 21st century on my layout. Not sure why others are reporting power problems because I was able to power nearly my entire folded dogbone 2nd level from 1 power feed. The key was to keep the track clean, I have noticed that some switches are a bit finicky and I really dislike their cheap HO triggers for the switches (at $60.00 per switch something a little more modern than a 10 cent HO trigger could have been included).

I am investing in the Z-Stuff DZ2500 switch machines… I have 6 so far and haven’t hooked one up yet… need to test them to make sure they work properly.

On the club layout we are using all Atlas track and turnouts. Four mains, three nickle silver all interconnected and one isolated steel, that have been in use a minimum of six days a week for 5 or 6 hours a day for almost 5 years. As far as the track it has performed flawlessly, our biggest issue has been with switch motors and continuity thru the switches. They are not easy to solder although some of us have kicked around the idea of experimenting with a “copper solder” product but it ain’t cheap is the only problem.

Edit. [oops] should have checked my spelling earlier. [:I]

If you’re a tinplatish type of guy, you’ll probably like Gargraves over Atlas for operation and looks. As others say, the track is cheaper than Atlas but kinks easy when bending. Plywood curve templates are a great help here. Definately go with Ross over Gargraves switches. The appearance of Gargraves is bulky compared to Atlas. But again, it’s a tinplatish look.

If you’re a 3 rail scale kind of guy, Atlas is probably a better choice for realism. Box stock, the plastic ties look like plastic. Weathering them by misting them with a spray can or gun helps a lot. The track is more expensive but the switches are priced like Ross. I totally agree that Atlas switch machines are junk. Toss them for DZ’s or Tortise.

Whichever you choose, you can’t go wrong. Both track systems are reliable, time proven, and offer a lot of flexibility.

Thanks for the help guys and for you guys that want to know I am a 3 rail guy and I love it so thanks for the help guys!!!,I have one question though which one has less track noise Atlas or Gar-Graves because that is a big factor toward what track I pick.

Another thing that I have noticed is that the GarGraves switches don’t take up as much room on your layout as Atlas, so if you have a smaller layout you may want to go with GarGraves or Ross switches. For me it is easier to repair a GarGraves or Ross switch than other brands because you have to take up the tracks, with GarGraves you just replace the switch motor and leave the track in place.

So far the only problem I have had with GarGraves switches is not keeping the track level within three feet of the switch, also don’t swap out to other types of track(027 only exception due to heigth) with less than three feet from a GarGraves switch.

Lee F.

Ok thanks for that Info!!!

After talking to some more people I have decided to go With Gar-Graves track So now my focus goes toward the track plan of my new layout!!!

After thinking about it even more and talking to some more people I have decided to go back with Fastrack and I think its a better idea and Its a good thing to because I have not bought any Gra-Graves track yet!!!

I had some fastrack and it was just too loud. I also had some supersnap, but I didn’t like the way the track connected. I’ve used O27 and O tubular and I like them, but I’m currently stocking up on gg and ross switches for a future layout.

Hey spankybird … did you see the car with the parrot on it ? Saw one on ebay and was going to give you the link but by the time I got back to the forum I lost the darn thing . Thought of you as soon as I saw it . Was in full color on the sides and looked almost exactly like yours … your parrot . Do you have that car or are you interested in case I see one again ?

Hi guys… I too am in the middle of deciding what track to use on my first permenent layout. From what I read here people tend to like fastrack quality but not the noise and price(am i getting it right?). I only have experince with lionel tube. Can it be quited down with some type of dampening? I like to be loyal to lionel(perhaps to a fault} but I don’t want to regret using it after the fact. Also are the switches lionel makes for fastrack of good quality? and if not can ross switches be used with fastrack? Well thats enough questions for one post. Thanks for any info you can give. STEVE

I have to agree with TEX702 about gargraves switches. I had alot of trouble with them too and had to send two back to the store. The track is good stuff but stick with ROSS switches. I hear they are the best. I assume that you are trying to go more HI Rail realism if you are getting away from Fastrack. I personally love Fastrack especially the switches. They are absolutely the best switch out there as far as operations go. Very smooth. I wish I had gone with all Fastrack but didn’t have to money at the time. Good luck


No I do not have a car like that, I don’t belive I have seen it.