Ghost Train


I had an idea last night, about modelling a ghost train ride!

Possibly in On30, or smaller narrow gauge, as with a very small loco and cars it would be possible to have a very compact and convoluted track. The idea would be to model the whole of the ghost train, with a removable roof. The inside would have all the features of a real ghost train, including pop-up ghosts, mirrors, bats, creepy sounds etc.

I’m not sure I’ll ever do it, but it could be a fun layout, and an interesting challenge to build.

Anyone ever build an amusement/theme park style ride/train?


I have not tried any such a thing, but it sounds like a fun project layout.

Look up any local books you can find with titles like Folklore of Indiana. You want to find material for anything like Devil’s Hollow or haunted houses. Old train songs can provide inspiration, too: Casey Jones or Wreck of the Old 97 can explain how the ghost train first came to be, and who is the crew.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I’m in England, and we have our fair share of ghost stories, but for this project I would turn to American hauntings, and railroads. I looked at a fair number of folklore and haunted house websites before I got the idea.

I think actually building the thing would be the biggest challenge. I do have a book somewhere with a plan of one of the Disneyland rides (Snow White, I think), would could be a start …

Hi Alex,I have read a few stories concerning Ghost Trains in the USA.My favorite was in Colorado Rocky Mountains in the 1890’s.Story was about a ghost train chasing a Rio Grande down the mountain.The ghosst would derail and go off a cliff just before it rear-ended.Is also a story about the once a year Abraham Lincoln ghost train. Joe G.


Thanks for that - the ghost train going off a cliff would make an excellent feature in a model ghost train!


Can you find some photos of the Smokie Mountains doing their thing? This would look good on the backdrop.

If you are really good with lights and electricity (I’m not), you could light the layout to look like the sun had just set. Long (and growing) shadows add to the spooky effect.

One of the regular columnists in the Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette - Boone Morrison, or Lane Stewart? - built a travelling show amusement line for one of his O scale dioramas. Another issue of the Gazette featured a UK modeller who had built an Edwardian seaside miniature railway in 16mm, IIRC.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I was actually thinking of model a fun fair ghost train, but you have got me thinking!

A ‘real’ ghost train layout could be really cool. I okay with electrics, but not that great at modelling. There are a number of relays, automatic circuits etc, available for automatic triggering of lights, effects, etc. Not sure I’m up to it, but intend to give it a try.

I’ve seen a couple of similar articles, including an idea for a wildlife park train (on Paul Arendt’s site, I think), which are very interesting.

I think a ghost train could be really interesting if you mounted a ‘train cam’ on the front!