Goodbye Lionel O-Scale Planters Peanut Hopper

CMCX belongs to Concrete Materials Company (CMC) located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and owned by Sweetman Construction Company. They started their Rails to Road in 2012, a business they call Transloading.

In 2018, Concrete Materials bought my fictitious railroad company in Nova Scotia owned by the fictitious Cheverie Mining Company (CMC) primarily to access our gypsum resources. CMC uses CMC’s rolling stock and CN for servicing.

Glad you asked. [:D]


Looks great. Went from a play looking car to a real looking car.

I want a scale type Hi Rail layout and always avoided buying non protytical looking cars except for a couple where they were practically giving them away.

This car will be on display on my showcase table at the 2018 Maritime Federation of Model Railroaders Annual Convention during the Public Show on June 2nd in Truro, Nova Scotia.