Going to turn this Lionel Planters covered hopper into an open hopper scrap metal car to go with my kitbashed O-scale warehouse (in another thread).
First step is to remove as much paint as I can. The body will soak in extra strength oven cleaner overnight.
Oh, is THAT what’s going on! I thought you might have had an “Oh NO!” disaster moment on the layout!
Wish I had a layout. Don’t even have an O gauge locomotive or track yet. I have two used cars to work with: a $40cdn flatbed wheel car and this $10cdn peanut car. Since I got the Planters car for peanuts, I thought it deserved a more robust role in my roster to be.
Hopper doors coming off this morning.
Prime time. Body of the scrap metal car is being sprayed with primer this morning.
Love the progress so far, nice to see an old being reborn (remade I guess) into something new that will be used! Can’t wait to see the finished result.
Seems like a nice looking car, a shame to destroy it. I checked the value for a near mint car on ebay and it has very little so no harm no fowl.
My youngest daughter will be happy when she visits. She has peanut allergies!
When this last coat of primer dries, I paint.
Painting in progress.
I can now complete this thread with a picture of the final scrap metal car. Still needs a road number but that will be added when I get more custom dry transfers made. The load is real rusty scrap metal from around the old rail yard in Hantsport, Nova Scotia.
Nice work!! Looks great!
Thank you.
The bottom of the hopper has a wood floor with metal weights.
Because of the metal weights and floor dimensions, the floor can remain loose in the car. This allows for different floors depending on the car’s purpose.
Powder from real manganese ore is used to weather the car.
Wow !
What a fun project !
Looking good !!I love a good kitbash project myself. Always great to adapt something to your needs/ tastes.
Once again, great job!
Thank you Paul. I did have a lot of fun with this car. DJ
Looks good, DJ! What’s the reporting mark? I thought it was for CBNS at first, but at closer look I see CMCX. Is it another regional or just a fantasy railroad?