Can anyone tell what this might be called. It was used for switching in the NP tie plant in Brainerd MN. I have never saw a “hump” on the boiler like this. Thanks Jeff
I believe that would be called a home-built saddle tank. It appears that a conventional 0-6-0 switcher was modified for in-plant use. The tank astride the boiler held water, and thus the locomotive could operate without a tender. Clearly, the “range” of such a locomotive is limited, and they have to stay realtively close to a water supply, but that isn’t an issue around the yard. I’ve seen photos of some other major railroads that did the same thing to create a roundhouse switcher. I don’t have much information in my library, but I found a photo (page 133) in Charles Wood’s The Northern Pacific: Main Street of the Northwest of a very similar 0-6-0 #6, used as a shop goat in South Tacoma. Perhaps there is a NP fan out there with more specific information.
I think I bought that same book on e-bay the other day. I’ll have to look when it gets here. Thanks for the Info. It was used in the tie plant that was in west Brainerd for years. Now I have to figure out how to model that. New to this since childhood. Thanks again. Jeff
yep, its a saddle tank, a small tank for holding water. And I agree with Bill that it was most likely home-built. (built by the railroads home shop)
Very cool. Thanks for the info. Jeff
That’s Northern Pacific Shop Switcher No. 10, seen when she was on display at Brainerd. She’s now at the Iron Horse Central Railroad Museum near Chisago City, Minnesota. Don’t call her No. 10 anymore, though. She’s being restored back to how she looked as Northern Pacific 927. Check out for more information (click on “NP L-4 927”).
Jeff Terry
Thanks for the link, Jeff. The old lady has quite a history.
IMHO, this is rather like ‘restoring’ the main concourse at Grand Central by removing the big Kodak display. Seems to me that they are ‘restoring’ a really unusual piece of equipment by converting it back into a cookie-cut model that Baldwin produced for anyone who could afford their catalog price back in 1896. Oh, well…