GP 38 and GP40


Quick question; other than the number fans and the engine, does anyone know if there were any external differences between these two engines? Thanks.


Different exhaust stacks and shorter radiators on the 38. Many 38s had the box for the paper air intake filters, also.

GP40’s were turbocharged and put out 3000 HP. GP38’s WEREN’T turbocharged and put out 2000 HP.


And then there was the GP- and SD-39 (GP 40’s were a rare commodity in these parts)…2300HP

To add to waht others contributed…GP40 is turbocharged, and therefore has a single, large exhaust stack (ahead of the dynamic brake fan), the GP38 has two smaller exhaust stacks, one in front of and one behind the dynamic brake fan.

The GP38s also have an air filter box that protrudes above the top of the hood, located just ahead of the dynamic brake “blister” (and in front of the first exhaust stack).

The biggest difference is the GP40 has a longer radiator with three cooling fans as opposed to two.

Of course, this doesn’t account for the appearance of Geeps rebuilt to GP38-2 “specs” (stripped of turbos, downrated in hp), which may still sport more fans and.or longer radiators, etc.