Greenie Weenies???

I have heard people call some BN locomotives Greenie Weenies, my question is why??? Was there a problem with this type of loco or what? Any help would be really appreciated!

well after a certain person in nebraska matt and i call them mookie engines.the paint is fading on most but the vomit bonnet still has its paint scheme.

stay safe


I have never heard that term specifically related to a BN engine, but that’s what I’ve always called the ex-WC BN SD45’s…



Somewhat related question: What exactly is the “vomit bonnet” paint scheme?

I have also heard that ATSF crews hated the BN SD40-2’s, because the BN 40’s had been “Smashed to Bits” in the coal feilds and would always overheat in the desert range! I had no idea that the SD45’s were also called Greenie Weenies.

I think…it is # 9647 - google an image and put in BNSF 9647 (I have no clue how to link) and you will see a good picture of it. It went through Lincoln just yesterday afternoon. Very distinctive painting. But why they call it that, I have no clue.

But as Joe said, it doesn’t seem to have a problem with much fading of the green face.

Thanks, Madame LaMook. I like that paint scheme much, much better than the current puked-pumpkin assault on the eyes. To each his own, I guess.

It was my understanding that the ATSF crews didn’t like the BN SD40-2s because at merger time they were not equipped with A/C, which is a necessity on the transcon across the southwest.

Like Phil said, I’ve only heard the “Green Weenie” term on WC’s Ex BN SD45s. Not on the BN SD40-2s or even the BN SD45s. Just on WC’s Ex ones.

Thanks for the tip, Mookie.

Another example of the idea that BNSF can’t decide what they want their diesels to look like. I’d like to see them go back to the Cascade green and black.

The new Locomotives mag. from trains has a story in it saying crews called the WC SD45’s Cadillacs. I dont know why people have made fun of the BN units like that. The SD45’s WC got from ATSF couldnt have been much better. It really sucks that we wont get to see SD45’s any more from BN,WC, and ATSF. Tell you the truth i have only seen one BN SD40-2 in my lifetime thats pretty bad isnt it!

Yep the WC SD45s were nice locomotives. I think the BN SD45s where called that as a full little nick name. Really the BN SD45 never really changed much on the WC. Just a patch over the “BN” symbol. Some of the ATSF SD45 WC looked horrible in my opinion(some). The yellow was faded to almost a white on some of them.

On the ATSF Denver District jointline (Pueblo-Denver), it was very common for BN power to fail. These tired and poor units would leave Denver in a running 4-5 unit consist, only to have 2-3 of the units fail prior to arriving at Pueblo. Didn’t hear “Greenie weenie” out here. Instead it was BN= Big Nuthin’…

Let’s give Mookie Chinese Red & Vermillion and just try to forget about Cascade Green, White and Black (which was to railroading what Wal-Mart is to merchandising IMHO…What’s Green & White and goes Ka-Boom in the night?)

Scarlet & Cream?

I have to say cascade green is better than pumpkin orange though. And if it wasnt for BN ATSF would have went bankrupt from what i heard so ATSF crews shouldnt have been so mad about BN units. What i dont understand is why didnt BNSF just keep the BN locos up north and the ATSF locos in the south?

??? - care to explain how ATSF with fewer employees, trains, route miles…managed to consistently & sizably out-earn BN in net profit , even though BN’s gross income dwarfed ATSF? What rocket scientist created “that” spin to justify Big Nuthin’s poor performance? The post 1985 merger mania created some really strange bedfellows (especially in the corporate culture departments), with BNSF up near the top of the list as the western Class 1’s struggled for market equity.

bnsf 9659 was westbound on csx q381.they even put a green swoosh under the cab.the reason for the 9647 being the vomit bonnet is someone couldn’t decide on the paint scheme.and it has burlington northern sante fe spelled out on the sides of the locmotive.

stay safe


neil i heard that too that when bnsf merged and the older green bn engines were assigned out west in the summer with no air was very hot. if you go to galesburg illinois you will see lots of bn greenies. this summer there were 2 gp30 together at the new engine terminal.also a sd9 spotted. allways something interesting at galesburg yard. cr

Another reason why the BN locomotive get bad reps some what has to do with engineers opinions. I’ve heard that WC crews loved the SD45s, but the IC and GTW crews didn’t really care for them. I can understand this, especally with the ATSF crews with no AC on the BN units.