Some of the engines I download are easy to get to run after I move the files. Others I move files and they still dont work. What are the files I need to run the engines and if the download doesn’t have a cabview or sound folder can I just copy those two folders from the default engine, example the dash9. If not what do I need to do? Thanks for all you help.
The speeder that i got from is niot working either, Read the readme file that came with your download that usually helps. I tried that with my speeder abut it didn’t say anything about my problem any halp appriciated.
I have to read the readme files to be sure that I am doing what they require. It seems there are several ways to get them right, and sometimes it is just an experiment to see what works. After a while, I can sometimes tell what other methods will work.
Which locomotive are you having trouble with? I have downloaded quite a few recently (along with about 5 routes and related activities which require them). Maybe I have been successful with it
It’s any BNSF or ATSF engine from train-sim that doenst require any addons except Cajon or Tehachapi II. Most of the readmes just say to put the engine in the trainset folder and then put them in a consist. What does it mean when it says “aliased to default dash9 cabs and sounds”, but then there is no cab or sounds folder. I wi***hey would include all files and all you have to do is winzip…
miniwyo, I went to (and, amazingly got in on the first try!) and looked at the only speeder I found. I read teh read me, and you have to have the Speeder from first, do you have this?
I dont have the 3dtrains one but it says nothing in the readme for this one about needing one from 3dtrains it gives full instructions for installing this one
I have had problems with the cut and paste installations on my XP machine. I have had some luck with extracting them directly to the file. Sometimes that works.
You can also try copying the cab files (and sound files) from the unit it is aliasing directly into the downloaded unit (this has worked a couple of times. I suspect they either changed the download and not the readme or the aliasing is not able to locate the files for some reason).
I agree that this is a pain and it is so much easier when they just include the files. MSTS is finicky sometimes and doesn’t always do what it is supposed to do with a file. I had a consist I was using suddenly loose a locomotive. I had to go into the consist editor and reinstall the locomotive that was “missing” . has a good set of how-tos for MSTS
One of which addresses cab aliasing and may help you out.
Which speeder do you have? All the speeders are variations of one and use its cab and sounds to work. I think the base one is an SP or SF version (I am not at the machine I have them on). I initially had problems with the UP version, but when I FINALLY got the base model, it was a simple cut and paste to fire up the UP one.