Herald King Decals are Back! (Catalog now available)

The Herald King Decal line has been purchased (finally) by Midwest Trains in Betterndorf, Iowa. They are going to have a website up soon. This is great news as the line has many decals that are not available anywhere else.


Jumping and doing handstand for joy.

I will have to send off an order as soon as they are up and running.


Hopefully they’ll throw a bone to the N scale market. MicroScale has been pretty disappointing of late…


Not only that, they have kind of been the lone setinal in the decal market as of late. Horde CHAMP decals while you can still can.


So glad and rather pleasantly surprised to read of this, especially since Microscale has reportedly cut back on some of the decal products.

From what I’ve been told at my LHS, the RTR lines as well as the introduction of limited run models in a much greater variety of road names, numbers, and paint schemes has impacted the model railroad decal market. Hence, my surprise to this news.

Hopefully the quality and accuracy of the new Herald King products will be comparable to Microscale. Microscale basically set the standard that many of us use as the decal benchmark.

Perhaps the Champ artwork could also be purchased as the well is drying up. [V]


Good news about Herald King. Bad news about Scale Rail Graphics - they are getting out of the decal business as I learned at Trainfest. http://www.scalerailgraphics.com/

Dave Nelson

Use them or lose them.

That is good news, I just hope they make their decal sheets thinner this time around. The HK decals were a lot thicker than Microscale’s and took more coats of dull coat to get the seams hidden…chuck

It’s been so long that they’ve been out of the decal business that maybe some people forget they ever were … but Walthers presumably also has decal art work that is going unused. At one time between Champ and Walthers the decal offerings were huge.

Dave Nelson

Finally, I can get the decal set for the US DOT E8 and the Consolidated Pappers Gondolas!!

This is probably the best model railroad news I have heard this year!!!


Hey, This is good news as it seems to me some decals are getting harder to find. I shop E Bay and find a few. I used to live in the Quad Cities and use to shop at there store, They were the only ones that had an extensive line of detail parts, AND decals from steve hile. Good store, Good people, wish them well .

Don’t forget to go to Champ and check out what they still have for sale. They still have a lot of decals.

(Regurgitating this thread) Yep-I just got a set from them last week. My experience with them in the past was that they were one of the most expedious dealers I’ve encountered, so when I didn’t get them in the time frame I was expecting, I was a little worried (mainly because to my knowledge the only decal dealer that supplied the set I needed, & the boxcar they’re to go on is halfway painted.) But all was not lost. Turns out they got sent to my old address-forgot to update [:-^][oops]

Seems some have Champ dead & buried already, & obviously that’s not the case. I’m guessing that they’re like a business in my area that’s been trying to go “out of business” for well over a year, but have so much inventory to get rid of, they’re still doing it. Just my [2c]

Now if only they would make some accurate Seabord Coast Line decals! There’s quite a number of interested modelers here in Florida!

Here is the new catalog, it looks pretty good. [:)]



Never having used Herald King decals I have a question that perhaps someone here can answer. Are their sets like the Walthers decals in that a set contains enough to basically do one car or are they more like the Microscale sets in which you can possibly squeeze out 2 or 3 cars per set?

they are one car sets

This was almost 10 years ago and I don’t see any web site for this company. An internet search goes to some site with Japanese(?) printing. Also, clicking on the link leads to “website cannot be found”. Am I missing something here?


Some threads are best left in the grave yard. However you didn’t look hard enough.
