ho building interiors

Does anyone know of a source for printable building interiors? I’m looking for a picture of say a 5 and dime store or grocery.store. Thanks for any help!

Have you tried Google? I did one search - ‘old store interior’ and got this; I think it’s the kind of thing you’re looking for.http://cs.trains.com/TRCCS/themes/trc/utility/[IMGhttp://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l490/bigpianoguy/storeinterior.gif[/IMG]:550:0]

I’ve been looking for the same thing, but can’t find any that accurately represent the 5 & 10 or grocery stores of the 50s/60s. Most pictures are closer to representing the old country “Drucker’s Store” than the ones I recall.

There is a seller on eBay that offers sheets of business interiors in HO scale. I’ve never purchased one, but the photos look interesting. The prices seem reasonable and his website shows examples of the products installed in buildings. His seller id is wpzephyr44.

If you spend some time getting your search terms right, Google Images will find it. I found liquor store shelves and the beer coolers on the right this way. I added clear plastic (window glazing leftover from a DPM kit) to the front of the beer fridges to get a better glass door effect.

Unless you are doing this for a craftsman exhibit, though, understand how the doors and windows of the structure limit your ability to actually see the interior. This lets you cut corners without compromising the finished product. My liquor store shelves could have been grocery shelves or any other generic products-on-shelves, and no one would ever be able to tell the difference.

Thanks for all your replies, and thanks for the pics. I searched Google but it was hard to come up with pictures with just the right angles. I found John’s interiors web site and that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for all the help.

Perhaps Tomcat will start another thread…