After a long period of hesitation (procrastination), I have started to scenic my layout. One important aspect of this project is going to be the ballasting job.
My HO layout has a 150 ft mainline and also 150 ft of yard and service trackage.
What would be a cheaper alternative to Woodland Scenics ballast ?
No suggestions, but just as a comment, it is too bad that Woodland Scenics does not sell its ballast in bulk. I cringe to think how many of their shakers I bought and what it cost me to ballast a 160 foot double main line. You ought to contact WS and inquire whether bulk sales are possible.
The most reasonable and among the best is the ballast sold by Harley Smith (aka Smith & Son) he sells for $2 a POUND and his ballast is real crushed stone. His coal is real crushed coal. For .25 cents he will send you a sample of any of his ballasts. To get a brochure of his products you have to send a self adressed stamped envelope to Smith Ballast 13630 Gar Highway Chardon Oh 44024. Arizona Rock and Mineral is another good co. and you could google them and find out all about their ballast also real crushed stone. Both of these companies have clean ballast with no powder in it. I hope this helps.
Subman has probably named the two best sources of ballast in the hobby I have had excellent results from both but if not mistaken Smith & sons is a lot more cost effective. One word of caution about using natural products for ground cover and ballast, make sure you run a good strong magnet though it after sifting it clean. Many areas of the country have high iron content and I don’t have to tell you that iron is a great conductor of electricity so you’ll have shorts up the ying yang if you don’t get rid of the iron.
There is another post now on this forum about using cat litter for ballast. The recommended brand is Cat’s Pride as it apparently is non-clumping. One thing I appreciate about the forums are the different ideas people have and this is one I am going to pursue if for no other reason than maybe the cost issue of WS.