HO Modelers in Edmonton Alberta

I will be visiting Edmonton from June 1st. to 13th of this year. Are there any HO modelers with operational layouts that are accepting of visiters. I hope to attend the operations night at Fort Edmonton on June 9th. as well. Also what are the best train shops to visit. Thanks. George Jarvis

Hello Weevalleywoodturner,

Hobby Wholesale 6136 Gateway Blvd,Roundhouse Hobby 9518 87 St and Alberta Hobby Centre 7-14220 Yellowhead Trail all get two thumbs up from me (plus a sizable amount of cash). Sorry I can’t help you with any operating layouts (I’m one of the local recluses).

I hope you enjoy your trip and happy hunting!


Also Hobby Ally on 97st and Yellowhead trail and there is a club that operates out of Londonderry Mall, second level that opens its doors to the public on weekends. That is located at 137 avenue and 86st

sorry the mall is on 66st and 137 ave