HO Scale Sawmill Plans and Dimensions

Hi…do esanyone out there have any HO scale sawmill plans…or at least the footprint dimensions of a typical early 1900s sawmill. Something a bit larger than a backwoods, minimalist sawmill…perhaps one servicing a small town, but smaller than a big industrial-sized sawmill? Thanks in advance.


i was thinking about maken on for my layout but i was working on a more modern one and it would service a small town it actauly will be placed rate outside of the town in the woods i was doing that or either a lumber mill. i wanted something interesting but nothing large either.

PX, the only one I have is of Sutter’s Saw Mill by Durango Press. The footprint without races is 30’ x 61’ HO. This is a small mill powered by waterwheel run from the river via races.
Don’t know what years you are looking for, but hope this helps

I’m probably looking for the scale footprint size of something similar to the old HO Scale Miniatures Kit.


…sorry, that should have read “something like the footprint of the old Fine Scale Miniatures sawmill kit.”



Sorry I don’t have what you are after, but can give you a tip. See where you wanted to correct a small typing error in your post? You can edit your previous post so that the world does not see the slip up.

Only you (or the cyber police) can edit your post. Look along the top bar and you will find a button for edit if it is your post.

Sorry, I do not mean to be rude, just hope this helps.

Make a Google-search to the HABS/HAER collection. Then browse by subject (saw mill).
The files that have a button with the crossing lines have measured drawings. This is really a scratch builders delight!

Have fun


The HABS site is fantastic! Great scale drawings of historical American structures. Now does anyone have HO scale sawmill plans of their own that they might share?


A nice size sawmill called Hull-Oakes Sawmill started in 1938, but you could make some changes to back date the operation. It would be easy to kitbash and scratch build something like it.

More info on Hull-Oaks

You might want to check out www.btsrr.com. Great buildings and I think the plans might help as well. And…if you find a modern mill plan, please let me know. Good luck.

Actually, modeling Hull-Oaks should be quite easy since the Walthers Sawmill and Sawmill outbuildings closely resemble the structures at Hull-Oaks (I’m not sure, but I think they may actually be based on them). Coincidentally, both of these kits are on sale at Walthers this week.

HI, I have the Walthers model and the resemblence is very close to the real mill,right from the log pickup, log carrier,debarker and main building, you should be able to get the sizes from Walthers web page,if you have trouble with the site,I can measure my buildings for you .


Old MRs had sawmill plans in them along with detailed accounts of logging operations. Don’t know why, but the issue of October 1964 comes to mind, and I am certain there are others.

I have an old Suydam saw mill kit that may be what you are looking for. I has a fairly small foot print. Kit is wood and corrugated metal. E-mail me at a8wprl@aol.com if you are interested.


Suydam kits were excellent kits, though I always found one needed two of them because they tended to be small, and in any event, they need additional detail added to bring them to modern standards.

I’m happy to report that I was able to find a wonderful small sawmill plan. I found it referenced in another magazine and contacted Model Railroader who gladly photocopied ($5) it for me from their Nov 1961 issue. It’s called the Western Sawmill and has a footprint of 80 x 45 HO scale comprising two buildings. Great plans and thanks to the builder Charles W. Swangerg with article by Don Reschenberg. The perfect plan, well detailed to build from, and just what I wanted. Many thanks to all who contributed suggestions!