Hogwarts Express in the new catalog question

So the new catalog is out and we get another look at the HE. I’m wondering though, is that what the actual production train will look like? I mean, it looks very impressive in the catalog pics (considering the price). Will it really look that way upon release? It looks a lot more detailed (or at least crisper lines) in the catalog than in the pre production pics from months ago. It seems a different color too (hense the term pre-production I guess). I suppose what I’m asking is for some opinions from you folks who have had more experience with Lionel’s past releases. Do you think it will look like the catalog?

Thanks all,


That is an actual production model of the HOGWARTS EXPRESS.


Photos in Lionel’s catalogs do not always reflect the finished product. I pre-ordered a NYC PWC tender a few years back that had serif lettering on the sides in the catalog, but the finished tender showed up with san serif lettering.


Lionel and the rest of the gang have had a history of having the actual production models looking anywhere from very much like the catalog to looking nothing like the catalog. From what I have heard in past threads both here and the other place, it is a very smart looking set. There was even speculation that it had a plastic boiler as it looked too good to be diecast. It is diecast, but done very well. It does have some issues that I wish it didn’t (both with the coaches). They have knuckle couplers and standard passenger trucks. I had hoped it was more in the traditional european style. This may be due to engineering issues, I don’t know.


The knuckle couplers are so the train set will be compatible with other Lionels. Thomas, Percy and James have the same couplers. They may not be British prototypical, but who cares? The set is great looking. Try to ignore the knuckle couplers and the third rail pick up rollers and enjoy it.


I think it looks great. I don’t think a 3 link coupler would be to good for kids and you loose the automatic uncouple feature. Then again OO gauge hook and loop coupler is hardly prototypical[;)].

It appears to be a more acurate model than Hornby’s OO scale version of the Hogwarts Express which uses a GWR Castle class rather than the correct (to the films) GWR Hall class that Lionel have produced.

I saw a article somewhere that Hornby products are made in the same factory as Lionel in China. It appears this experience with British outline has been used to good effect.

I like the discription of a observation coach[:D]. Its a Brake coach.

Glad I got my pre-order in a while back.

Now all we need is a LMS 4-6-2 Duchess Pacific and a LNER A4 Pacific…[:-^]


The polar Express picture did not look exactly like the one I received. The biggest differance was that the wheels/trucks were supposed to be light gray, but they are closer to black on the actual model.

Not a big deal, I like my PE alot!!! I think the HE will be a great set also!!

I broke down and pre-ordered the H.E. tonight. My wife is a big-time Harry Potter fan, figured this would be an anniversary present that we both will like. Hopefully it will be shipping by early October.

I ordered one for the magazine to review - but I’m not sure if it will be available in time to get it in before Christmas.

Rest assured the coupler issue will come up again. But let me slap myself, it is just a kids starter set … based on a movie … based on a book … maybe they could have just painted a NYC Hudson red and saved money on production …

Bob, I guess I have been looking for European models on the cheap. I would have liked to get a Ace model, but the motor/price are issues. In the end, it does look great and perhaps they can have future add ons that will augment the set. As to being compatible with Lionel rolling stock, I don’t see using our type cars behind this engine. Just wouldn’t look right. In the end, it looks like a nice set and I plan to run it and enjoy it however it comes.


Seriously, I think this engine is a great (possibly important) event for anyone interested in UK outline trains. There really aren’t any mass produced ready to run O guage products in either two or three rail (Skytrex rolling stock being a possible exception).

I’ll probably end up buying one myself - I figure I can take the coupler off the rear coach and get an O scale link from from the UK and retrofit it (even if it is just cosmetic). There is more good to it than bad (unless of course the wheels fall off).

BTW below is a pic from my OO layout.

I really fail to see why the knuckle couplers on the HE set are an issue to some of you. It’s a fictional train. And as it runs along the track, who the heck is going to look at what type of couplers are on the pieces. Also, compatability with past and future products is a Lionel tradition. Since the post war era, all couplers (way over-sized by the way) have been knuckle style, they all run on the same type track, etc. I can see a future Gordon pulling the HE coaches or repainted versions of them. If you want scale fidelity, or correct couplers, buy a european brand of trains or switch to a smaller scale. This Lionel starter set is a toy representation, not a scale model. Just like the soon to be re-released Flying Yankee. Lionel’s doesn’t look much like the real thing, but it isn’t a scale model. It’s a re-released TOY train. We are grownups playing with TOY trains. Get a grip, ladies, huh?


I just hope all the rivets are there & in the right places, too !! [(-D]

Thanks, John

I mostly agree Jim, hence my suggestion that they could have saved a bunch of money by painting a Hudson - or the Polar Express Berk red.

No kidding! [%-)] Even Lionel’s scale products all have the over-sized knuckle couple on them. It’s kind of a given that if you buy Lionel products, there are certain things that are inherent in the brand, like the couplers and the three rail track. And those things aren’t going to change.

I truly thought that was a facetious comment you made about red American locos, Bob. While a knuckle coupler is mostly hidden from view, there is no denying the look of a european outline train. The Lionel couplers allow the set to be uncoupled remotely, and used with every piece of rolling stock made since 1945. The play value and compatability far outway the unprototypical linking system.

FWIW, I think the set is a very nice looking one. I hope that it’s just the first of many more european trains that Lionel offers.

Heck, they could probably use the HE engine for a Gordan. They would just need to add the face and paint it blue.

And mold it in plastic instead of diecast metal. [(-D]

Is that a Mainline/Bachmann Jubilee Bob? I had one of those I bought as a kid (Saved up for it. I think it was £35.[:)]) Looks like a nice layout. Sold all my OO when I discovered US outline 3-rail O. It will be nice however to run the odd British O gauge loco without breaking the bank.

I know quiet a few people over here have ordered the Hogwarts set. It should increase intrest in Lionel at train shows on this side of the pond.


I think it is the Royal Scot “The Green Howards.” I’ve got several Royal Scots and I believe they’re all Bachmann. Below is another shot. A Hornby Class 66 is just inside the lower edge of the pic.Hornby is nice, but I think the Bachmann motors are much smoother at lower speeds.

My O gauge layout is basically a 16x22 foot oval and the OO layout is in the center on top of a pool table! The S gauge layout is in another part of the basement.