Holiday Village Train

I have received a set of trains that are of English origin and are named Holiday Village Train. It was manufactured by New Bright Industries Co.,Inc…
I would like to know if anyone is familiar with this set . It is battery-operated.
I would appreciate it if you could help me

Thanks Bren

I am very familiar with these trains. I have a couple myself and set them up with a Christmas villiage every year for the holidays. The set isn’t English. The trains themselves are based on the type of trains that ran in North American in the later part of the 19th century. They are manufactured in China. Model trains have certain gauges of track to determine their size and so that certain gauges of trains are compatible with each other. However, these trains don’t have a gauge that anyone uses. They are larger than the popular HO gauge and smaller than S gauge and are only compatible with other trains made by New Bright. These trains have been available for about the past 10 years. There are other ones as well that are made to go with Christmas villiages as well as a couple regular trains that aren’t Christmas themed. These trains are quite common and can usually be bought brand new for $20 or less. They aren’t collectible or valuable. However, they are a lot of fun! So set up your train and enjoy it!