Homemade Covered Hoppers

My layout is a little small for longer stock covered hoppers. I have a lot of O27 curves. Has anyone else made tops for short Lionel, Marx or similar hoppers? Do you have pictures? I made some from blocks of wood. They just drop in and are removable. Standing next to the layout, looking at them from 2-3 feet away, I think they look pretty decent.


They look quite good!

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Thank you.

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they do look quite good, i have never made covers for my hopper car just coal loads out of 1in. foam and glued on finely ground up coal then painted in black and sprayed on a clear coat.

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My layout is somewhat small, so I only have one “industry”- agriculture

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They do look pretty decent, especially when viewing in person or even in photos. Even when I blow up the photo, I don’t immediately spot the tops as wood blocks. Nicely done!


Just flat acrylic craft paint brushed on

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They look pretty darn professional to me! Well done!

Rich is right zoom in the picks you can’t tell they are wood really nice job.

They look amazing. Well done.


Thanks everyone

Simple but very effective! Maybe one day I’ll have to give it a try, adds some fun variety to an otherwise ordinary O27 car. I love the sampling of three different color hoppers, they look great all lined up together!


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Very nice

Thanks @crip

Nice work, Matt!

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