HOn3 questions

so during my long hours of sheer nothingness at work (sometimes i work a desk for 24 hours at a time) i find my mind wandering to future layouts to be made when i move back to the states, have more room and $$$…i thought a nice new challenge for me would be hon3, due to a projected lack of room, and it just seemed a nice direction to go…
does anyone know of any “non-walthers” suppliers of hon3 stuff (walthers catalog is easy enough to get, i wanna know what else is out there
along the same lines, and “non-model railroader” slim guage dedicated magazines
any info on scratchbuilding brass locos- i only got the tail end of the series in model railroader a couple years back…theres too many cool prototype locos, and not enough of them are commercially available, and commercial brass is too expensive
a list of helpful websites on prototypes/models?

thanx a lot!

Get a copy of “Short Line and Narrow Gauge Gazette”, probably considered by many as the bible for narrow gauge (all scales). They have lots of advertisers that sell direct to the public and I expect that they don’t have formal distribution channels like the more mass- produced suppliers as carried by Bowser and Walthers…

It’s a great publication w/ crisp color and black & white photos and drawings, good articles and printed on quality paper. I bet if you contacted the Editor/Publisher - Bob Brown, the guy who’s run the publication since it’s beginnings, he’d respond personally to your inquiry - he’s that kind of guy. Their email address is : gazette@alt.net They are located in Los Altos, California and published by Benchmark Publications.

The Gazette, as it is commonly referred to, is distributed through hobby shops by Kalmbach Publishing

You may try contacting historic societies for some of the more ‘popular’ narrow gauge railroads such as the D&RGW, Colorado Southern, East Broad Top, etc. Often times they can be a great source of info and links to other sites. . .

Another suggestion would be to contact Caboose Hobies in Denver, Colorado, a fantastic shop specializing in narrow gauge. Their website is www.caboosehobbies.com

Hope this helps. . .


Here is a link to that magazine www.ngslgazette.com Joe G.

Its a great magazine. Althoough I’m not a narrow gauger, I find a lot of useful information in it.

oh man! its only a bimonthly!!! well, i guess 6 issues a year is better than nothing…

and any ideas where i can find photos of odd-ball type steam locos? small is better, on-line is best (its hard to look for publications at libraries and shows from germany :slight_smile: ) or more info on scratch building brass? or is it just hit and miss, wait till i can get back state-side and find old back issues of magazines?

well, works halfway done, 12 more hours to go- i should be home 10am tomorrow…i hope!


Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette is an excellent magazine and advertises many products. Another magazine I subscribe to is Light Iron Digest. Their address is P.O. Box 113, Washingtonville, OH 44490.