Hi Guys,
I know this question has probably been asked a thousand times so I must apologize because I didn’t pay attention to the answers before and now for the first time, I have an engine that needs to be renumbered.
I just received an HO scale model of a New Haven FA1, made by E-R Models. The paint scheme is the McGuiness…black and red. I already had this model but couldn’t resist buying another on Ebay for a steal ($14.50). Of course, now the 2 models I own have the same number “0401”.
The numbers on the side of the locomotive are on black paint and the number on the front of the nose is on the red paint.
Help! Somehow I recall people talking about removing the numbers and then decaling on the new numbers. I do have decals and know how to use them. I just don’t remember how you go about removing the existing numbers.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I noticed that the numbers on my engine are fairly thick paint and certainly not just stamped on. Would you guess that scraping them off with the new X-Acto blade would work the best? I would think that it would be difficult to disolve them with the various solutions you mentioned.
poly S makes a stuff called easy lift paint and decal remover…daub it on the number with a q-tip. let it crinkle then wipe it off and wash it with warm soapy water…let it dry…repaint the area where the number goes with a matching paint…poly s or floquil should have a color to match… …let it dry…purchase a sheet of locomotive number boards and numbers from micro scale decals in the New Haven roadname …cut out the numbers you need and soak them in water…put some alcohol/ water on the area where the decal needs to go with a small artist’s brush…fit the numbers in place after removing them from the paper backing…check them once in awhile so they don’t slip out of position…before it completely dries, daub some micro sol on the numbers…let it dry and don’t touch them as they dry or they will tear…let it dry completely …spray on some testors dull coat and let it dry…you’re now done…chuck
I always try just scraping them off with my thumbnail first. Surprisingly, I am successful I’d say 90% of the time. I never use a blade of any kind. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to use was a plastic bondo spreader. Rubbing compoud will usually remove scratches.
I managed to scrape off the numbers with an X-acto knife on one side then tried the 91% alcohol on the other side. The alcohol took off the number and the black paint underneath. No problem…I simply masked the area and sprayed a new coat of black paint. On the nose, I was able to carefully scrape off the number with the knife and then applied a new number decal.
All that’s left is to spray the whole engine with Krylon Matte Finish so that the shine of the decals will disappear and the whole car will be ready for some weathering with chalk. I masked off the windows by painting on Tacky Glue which will later peel off easily because it won’t stick to the windows or attack any of the plastic.