How to get a Hound thru a window?????

Or, more importantly, WHY would anyone want a hound to go thru a window?

But of course. The answer lies outside, where rabbits roam the plains. A window exit is just what any good beagle needs to get to the happy hunting grounds.

Zebulon Tool and Machine Co. is now in place, functioning as a trackside industry and exit for BB the Beagle. A temporary track is in place, as the spur is about 35 feet from the mainline and not yet connected. It took about six dozen sodas to make this and there are about 200 windows made from you know what.

Yup, that’ll work! Nice job!

One summer, when I was a kid, my uncle got himself a brand new shepard pup. He stayed home with the pup for about a week, housebreaking him, and then returned to work, leaving the dog penned in the kitchen. Of course, the dog being just a pup who couldn’t last an entire work day without relieving himself, would do just that, on the only place he could, the kitchen floor. My uncle would return home from work, smell the stink, yell “BAD DOG” at the pup, rub his nose in it, and throw him out the kitchen window into the backyard.

This went on for about two weeks, each night my uncle coming home to the same terrible smell, each time yelling “BAD DOG”, and each time the pup would get the same nose treatment and aerial trip to the bakyard through the kitchen window.

One day, my uncle came home, smelled the same wretched smell, yelled “BAD DOG” and stepped toward the pup, but before he could take a second step the pup raced over to his pile, plowed his own nose into it, and proceeded to jump out the kitchen window into the backyard.

The moral? You CAN teach a dog to do just about anything!


Great story Mark,

You can train a beagle to do that or more. What you do, is pick up a dead rabbit on the side of the road. Then, when the beagle is away, drag the rabbit along the path you intend it to take. It works like magic. (the other alternative is to buy an easter bunny and let him chase that around) [:D] (just kidding)

I see the railways managing director approves of the new way to get out and check
that the Chief Engineer is doing it right[:D]
Should get that spur line conected and perminent, dont think anyone will be stealing tools from the new industry[:D]
regards John

Hi David,
Great work on the industry. So far I have been able to keep our American Eskimo out of the RR Garden. (for the most part) Every now and again she sneaks in there and starts digging. Man what a mess. Being the Great White Hunter she is (not) she missed the family of rabbits living there last summer. This year the training will continue! Thanks for sharing the pics. Later eh…Brian.