How to identify what track you have

Greetings: I have an old layout with brass track. I wish to upgrade the layout to nickel silver code 100. The nearest train hobby shop is several hours from my house, so I recently went on line and found a vendor that sold 3 ft. sections of nickel silver flex track code 100. I received the order of 10 sections, but the track does not look any different than my brass track. The label on the box reads “ #168 HO Code 100 Superflex Track-3’ section “. As there is no reference on the label to nickel-silver, I wonder whether it really is? There was no packing slip, though the invoice reads nickel silver. Is there a way I can tell for sure what kind of track it is before I contact the vendor? Thanks.

The brand is Atas. It is nickel silver. “Featuring black ties and nickel silver rail”

Welcome Trainer.

I searched for 168 HO Code 100 Superflex and that is what I came up with also.

Found it at Amazon also but probably cost more.


The rail itself ought not to look like brass. Hard to believe a reputable vendor would have brass flex track in stock these days.

You should be able to tell the differance between Brass (gold color) and Nickle Sliver (silver color), easier to see when looking at the side of the track, web as it may be called, then the top of the rail.

Others above have searched the Atlas #168 and came up with what you should have or should have received. But what do you really have?

People do send the wrong thing in the box then what you asked for or whats marked on the box and invoices. Mistakes are made. I do not see Brass carried nowadays anywhere except old stock on line and it’s listed as “vintage”.

I guess “Code 100 brass rail on fiber ties” would be listed as “Super Rare Collector Quality”.[(-D]

Yes, it is NS track, just like DSchmitt posted.


Brass is made from copper and zink, % of each element vary to create different alloys.

Nickel Silver from copper (60%), nickel (20%)and zink (20%). Although the % of each element may be varied.

Nickel Silver is silver in appearance but some does have a slight brass tinge. probably have better prices.

Thanks to all of you who replied to my inquiry on identifying track! Perhaps it would be helpful if I restate my question.

Is there an objective way of identifying the metallurgic components of the two types of track?

For example, I read an article about how nickel-silver is a poorer conductor of current than brass track. The author suggested that more power track feeders per foot might be needed for nickel-silver than brass when using DCC. This would imply that there would be a difference in resistance if one were to measure two equal lengths of the two types of track. If I were to use an ohmmeter on a section of brass and then on a section of nickel-silver of equal length, would there be a discernable (measurable) difference in ohms? And what might these amounts be?


Look at the underside of the ties. Many manufacturers have their name molded into the plastic - sometimes with information about the track itself.

You may need good light and a magnifying glass to read it.


[quote user=“Trainer”]

Thanks to all of you who replied to my inquiry on identifying track! Perhaps it would be helpful if I restate my question.

Is there an objective way of identifying the metallurgic components of the two types of track?

For example, I read an article about how nickel-silver is a poorer conductor of current than brass track. The author suggested that more power track feeders per foot might be needed for nickel-silver than brass when using DCC. This would imply that there would be a difference in resistance if one were to measure two equal lengths of the two types of track. If I were to use an ohmmeter on a section of brass and then on a section of nickel-silver of equal length, would there be a discernable (measurable) difference in ohms? And what might these amounts be?

(PS The bo



It is 99% likely to be nickel silver rail. Yes, you will need more feeders than with brass, but that is pretty easy to do.


Have fun!


