How to model an ethanol plant in HO scale

Hello, members:

How does anyone model an HO scale ethanol plant? The reason is because one of such a plant, as of this post, is under construction, and I have no idea of what one looks like. If you have any answers or suggestions that I could follow, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Kelly Dunlap

search term “ethanol plant”.

Here is one link to start out from:

One of the links is Central Minnesota Ethanol Coop:

Click on “about us” - aerial picture of plant.

Plant is described as being in little falls, 30 miles north of saint cloud, on hwy 371.

Click on “home” - address of plant (17936 HERON ROAD, LITTLE FALLS, MN 56345)

go to, enter address to see where this is. Little north of the split between US 10 and MN 371, between 371 and the river.

Go to e.g. to see overview high res satelite and aerial pictures. Go to little falls, MN - move map to right area, zoom in.

You can also search

Here is one picture found:

Repeat with other plants until you have a collection of prototype etanol plants images and maps to look at.

Good luck!


Howdy, Kelly. [#welcome] to the forums.

For a couple of really good photos of what appears to be a typical ethanol plant, Google Badger State Ethanol. The home page has three clickable photos:

  • Ground level - good view of some details of silos and the bracing of the main stack. (Too good view of the company’s roadside sign.)
  • Aerial - “Out the cabin window,” overall view from about 1000 feet, entire property visible.
  • Closeup of the company office building - interesting, if you’re trying to model it.

The plant looks fairly similar to the one referenced above.

Hope this helps.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - where ethanol could only be found in beer, whiskey and sake bottles)

One thing to consider is the location / geography of your plant. Ethanol plants use a lot of water so your model plant should be near a lake or stream that it could draw water from.

None of the ethanol plants around here are near a lake, river, or stream.