How does anyone model an HO scale ethanol plant? The reason is because one of such a plant, as of this post, is under construction, and I have no idea of what one looks like. If you have any answers or suggestions that I could follow, please let me know.
For a couple of really good photos of what appears to be a typical ethanol plant, Google Badger State Ethanol. The home page has three clickable photos:
Ground level - good view of some details of silos and the bracing of the main stack. (Too good view of the company’s roadside sign.)
Aerial - “Out the cabin window,” overall view from about 1000 feet, entire property visible.
Closeup of the company office building - interesting, if you’re trying to model it.
The plant looks fairly similar to the one referenced above.
Hope this helps.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - where ethanol could only be found in beer, whiskey and sake bottles)
One thing to consider is the location / geography of your plant. Ethanol plants use a lot of water so your model plant should be near a lake or stream that it could draw water from.