How to paint/weather Campbell shingles? Are FSM shingles similiar?

I was wondering how folks paint/stain/weather Campbell style shingles?
I was thnking of just drybrushing with something like Barnwood and maybe some beige color.

On a related not, are FSM shingles similar to the Campbell shingles? They look similar in photos. I’ve never tried an FSM kit before, and am now considering trying one. Does Sellios tell how to paint/weather the shingles in his instructions?



Dry brushing should work - you want to keep the shingles pretty dry as the adhesive on the back is water soluble. I use oils to weather mine due so the oil

To me they seem identical.

Yes. Later FSM kits include exhaustive instructions. I only have two FSM kits, both from the Jewel Series. The instructions are very good.


I usually colour them by dry-brushing, usually using Pollyscale paints. Most are grey, but have some green added, as moss was often found on shake roofing.

This one still doesn’t have a home on my layout…

…but it will likely find one on the partial upper level.

Most of my structures using Campbell shingles are small, and usually railroad-owned…

I have several of these crossing shanties…

I have a couple of these, too…

Wagner Lumber has Campbell shingles, too, and like all my structures with them was scratchbuilt…

All of my structures with Campbell shingles have the shingles affixed to the roofs, which are all styrene, using contact cement, as the gummed shingles won’t otherwise stick to plastic.

I probably have more pictures, but photobucket is getting difficult to navigate.


I use white glue to attach both FSM and Campbell shingles and when dry use a wash wich is just dirty water that has cleaned many brushes, you can of course make your own dirty water.

Yes they seem to be the same for the older FSM kits and I have used them interchangably. I use carpenter’s glue brushed on the back to apply (rather than just wetting the glue that is on the shingles), to get a better bond. Some newer FSM kits have different shingles - maybe Builders in Scale (light blue paper)? I paint the shingles (either type) with Floquil Earth, followed by ink/alcohol washes until I get them the color I want, followed by dry brushing with Antique White.