How would you redesign the japanese bullet train if you wanted to pull gas tankers and coal at high speed

thank god a place where i wont get told a tanker is something on world of warcraft anyhow i was thinking how neat it would be to run freight down a line at 159mph+ and i was curious what kinda concept engines u guys would come up with if u were basing it off the bullet train design

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A big boy, of course!


The actual economics of freight at those speeds would likely raise the maintenance costs of the line by 100% or more! How would you price the service?

they serve factorys charge a premium for high speed service like charter did with their high speed internet

What is the ‘express price’ for a ton of coal vs. a slow speed ton of coal?

The sheer physics of getting the cargo up to the speed nope. Look up the SP San Bernadino derailment when a train ran away from them or the UP derailment from a couple years ago when that train ran away from the crew. The UP one derailed at over 100 mph. You thought East Palestine or the incident in La Mangetic Quebec was bad just imagine a bullet train of gasoline derailing at 150. You’re insane for even proposing this.

ok so maybe we dont put hazmat on it but a bullet train full of coal going cross country could have its advantages at 150mph although i get what your saying i watched a dash cam of a lambo going 115 when it plowed into i think it was a telephone that part went by too fast but it was like putting a firework in a pinata just carnage everywhere i wont say whaqt happened to the theif who stole it but yeah not good they looked like they would need a dump truck insted of a tow truck on that one not enough peices of the car in tact to justify bringing a tow truck except the main frame witch was a ball of jumbled scrap metal

Harold, reference the San Bernadino incident. The original was bad but after the “clean up” buried deep and not realized parts had something to do with a pipeline explosion and a second disaster years later. Original cause (IIRC) bad pin on MU and dynamic braking was not enabled on trailing units. endmrw0311252118

No the trailing units had totally inoperable dynamic brakes and the pushers only had 1 engine that had 1 engine that had dynamic brakes that worked also. Out of the entire consit only 2 engines had working dynamics and the train was over tonnage for even the airbrakes. They had put in the weight of the train as a total of 6100 tons it was closer to 9k tons. It would in my old industry be like getting a load that was supposed to be a total of 40 tons but instead it’s 60 tons. Then throw in SP at the time having zero training on how to recover a runaway train in the mountains and their piss poor maintenance standards.

SP in the 80s into the 90s was literally a basket case when it came to maintenance of their locomotives. Half of the time engines failed enroute or derated due to problems or they had dynamic brake issues. The reason why you’d see so much power on a SP train compared to the Santa Fe or UP was that on the SP it was needed to make sure it reached the next yard due to all the failures on the way. Conrail got a SP engine to pay back some horsepower hours they were owed and it came through my hometown in 88. It was one of their tunnel motors IIRC an SD45T-2. Well the crew was sitting at the local chicken shack waiting for the Santa Fe dispatcher to allow them over the diamond to get back to Kanakee. I asked them what they thought of the SP motor 3rd in line. They said they hated it. It was being dragged DIT back to Kankakee then they were going to get it back to SP as soon as possible why. It hard thrown a piston rod out of the block on the previous run to Hennepin and was left there as they needed the tonnage for the cars at the mill.