Howdy folks!

Hi All,

My name is John Edge and I am a H0 scale modeller from England.

I follow roads from the USA, Europe and the UK - all in H0, this makes me a bit different from most folks in the UK who usually model British outline in 1/76th “00” scale but I’m just following the worldwide trend. I have modelled H0 for so long now (40+ years) that anything running on 16.5mm tracks that isn’t 1/87 scale, looks odd or narrow gauge to me!

My main US interest is the late lamented C&NW anywhere from the 1960s thru 1995 but I’ve also followed SP, T&P, KCS, C&O* and others. I initially bought anything American I could get my hands then gradually grew a little more refined - I say that when I’ve got an Amtrack HHP8 next to an EJ&E HH600 in my display case!

In Europe, I have somewhat “catholic” tastes again in that I like mainly various German railways with a smattering of Greek thrown into the mix as well as British of course.

I currently live near a town called Warrington about halfway between the cities of Liverpool and Manchester but my wife and I are keen to move to Greece as soon as these restrictions are lifted - sort of like how some of you guys move to Florida or California or Texas maybe - just to get a decent climate.



  • Where my username comes from.

Hi, John, and welcome to MR forums. Your path ahead sounds interesting. What appeal do Greek rails have for you?

[#welcome] John[#welcome] Other than not having Canadian Pacific as your favourite RR you sound alright.

With an interest in German RR have you ever had an interest in the Hejaz RR of the Ottoman Empire? There is an offshoot interest in it among German RR enthusiast.

Hi John,

Welcome to the forums!! [#welcome]


Welcome to the forums, John! I see this is your second post, which means your posts may still not appear immediately. After a few posts, you will be able to post and see things immediately.

Your layout sounds interesting. We love pictures!

Welcome John…

Welcome aboard.

Hello John, welcome.

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the great welcome, I appreciate it and will get some pics up as soon as I can!

Hi friend!

To answer your question about Greek rails, well. . . . . The initial reason is that they operate Alcos! The Greek railways (OSE) were not the only Europeans to do so as the Spanish and Portuguese also operate them but they are not countries that I love as much as the Greeks!



Thanks for the great welcome, Brent!
Ha, ha! A good friend modelled the CP so I am quite familiar with it and I love those big Selkirks!
TBH, all I really know about the Hedjaz railway is that during WW1, Lawerence of Arabia had a great time blowing it up, sorry!

Florida is not for everyone. Our climate is paradise for four months a year. The other eight it is hell on Earth.

Most of the retirees in Florida in the 1960s-1990s were “snow-birds” that were only here from December-March. They came down after Thanksgiving and left before Easter.

Now most retire here full time, and seem to complain full time as well.


Hey John-

Welcome to the forums. [#welcome]

I understand why you might want to migrate south. I was born and grew up in Paradise, but I moved north to the mountains on purpose.

Wyoming has a decent climate. True, it gets down to -25F and up to 105F, but the real issue is the wind. Go figure. But on the plus side: living at 6000 feet elevation where it very seldom rains produces crystal clear sapphire blue skies and millions of stars at night. If you go in for that kinda stuff.

Glad you’re here. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures in the World’s Greatest Hobby.


John … [#welcome]

As info. … Everybody is welcome to participate in convesations in the Trackside Diner, and you would be welcomed along with anybody else who wishes to do so.

I model mostly CB&Q (Burlington Route)… Plus GN, NP, ATSF and others)

Howdy mate, welcome. Its pretty cool you model US and Britain.

We like lots of pics here, thats kinda an unspoken rule, if ya talk about it, didn’t happen unless photos prove it. LOL

[#welcome]Welcome! Always interested on others approach to the hobby.

Pictures are always appreciated.