HUUuuu ... uuuGe ebay estate sale


Here’s a direct link:

Egads, that should motivate me to be less of a collector and more of a player/operator of the trains. Pretty sad about him and his son.

Kind of sad, if you ask me. I really feel sorry for the guy. Seems like he had some serious issues.

Same here.

I admit that trains for me is almost an obsession. But looking at that its freaking creepy.

Though I would be well stocked for many years LOL


P.S. I have kept looking at it for a while now. Giving me goose bumps. This guy is freaking insane!!! No wonder the son wanted nothing to do with him. The listing says there are well over 1000 cars. But I noticed he has alot of copies of the same car. I have 600 cars. But at least all my cars at least have different road numbers.

P.S.S. The more I look at this listing, the more creeped out I get. The more creeped out I get. the more I want to go thin out my roster. My dad going into the Hospital made my Creppy-Stuff-O-Meter hit 12. This is ticking a 14. the scale is from 1-10

This makes me sad.

No way ever is that going to happen at my place.

In fact, I think and agree that this is probably the most creepy and expensive waste of resources ever.

I am a little bit of a pack rat myself, 12 boxes neatly packed, stored and counting but NOT. LIKE. THAT. Ugh!

Looks like a lot of “low end” stuff (Tyco, Bachmann, and the likes). The plates look to be about the best thing in this lot. That still is a lot of stuff, though.

Wow…What a bunch of train stuff…I don’t think I would call it a collection…Did he have a layout?..Cox 47

The description stated that he has some track to run trains on but eventually all tracks were covered in stuff and the whole thing buried to the point of cutting into the walls and basement.

Im still on that page looking over the imagery of the stuff… WHAT a HUGE mess!

The bidding between my first post stood at 23 bids and 99 dollars became 130 dollars and 33 bids and counting.

I think this is going to be a ching ching sale and a monstor for all parties involved.

OMG… 150 and climbing faster than I can refresh the page.

Hey Sweety (as I call out to my wife) want me to bid on some HO scale trains for you?..I’ll need YOUR credit card. [;)] Seriously though, OMG, what a mess. If you did win, not sure if going through it all would be more like Christmas or Halloween.

[C):-)] Rob

Aside from what might be a few Athearn engines, there doesn’t seem to be anything in the whole collection of any quality whatsoever. And while it’s disturbing, it could have been a lot worse if he collected cats and dogs instead… those stories are always upsetting and tragic.

Besides, it looks like the inside of my apartment right now. [(-D]

GEEZ, why did I say that?

Call it want you want, yeah maybe the guy went a little overboard. Rest his soul, but he lived the way he wanted to live. Is’nt it what were all doing here, maybe not as dramatic. Yeah maybe he should’ve gotten out a little more, but it’s obvious he was’nt bothering anybody and he kept his self occupied.

All I can think is

HUUuuu … uuuGe Shipping Cost!

No thank you

But as said before what a shame to see all that stuff piled so high and not properly protected, regardless of quality.


This is eBay.

I don’t know that you can trust the “backstory” that goes with the auctions.

They might be trying to elicit sympathy bids. I had that I have to be this cynical, but this story seems a little wierd.

As Zeke has taught us, not all words on a computer screen are truth.

The story is kind of sad but the seller has no reason to lie about it. Its not like she is a relative, she was up front about buying it and putting it on Ebay to make some money.

44 bids, $425.00, Reserve Not Met, not even a 1/10th of the way there! Where are all the “collectors” of these “Rare, Vintage Trains”? Who else wants to bite off more than they can chew(sell)?


I agree. It looks like cheap stuff that an 8 year old would play with. Not serious model railroaders like ourselves[;)]

My father in law is similar in that he collects and builds model airplanes. He has a small house and EVERY room has airplane junk in it.(When I say junk, its not nice looking stuff, but mediocre). Living room, dinette, bedrooms, basement. You have to follow a path to get around the house. His wifes just as bad with her stuff too. They are both EXTREME packrats. He’s got a sink in the kitchen still sitting out on their front porch he was supposed to install 30 years ago. Thats typical for him though. Ignoring the kids/wife and only concentrating on his obsession, I mean hobby. Needless to say he does not have a close relationship with any of his kids. We see them on holidays about twice a year and only live 20 minutes away.

So there are lots of these hobby hermits out there; you only read about a few. I however will not succumb to such a life. Family is much more important than a hobby.


I’m with DaveV! Haven’t we all learned that you can’t beleive sad sob stories on the internet?

SteamFreak-So how much did you bid on it?[:-^]

It’d be worth a few hundo. Break it down into more managable lots and make some money on it. There’s a lot of duplicates but you need that for coal drags and such.

LOL[:D] Now you’re gonna make all those “Tyco” boys mad.

They really think that stuff is good! LOL

They also believe that the USS Enterprise E is actually orbiting the earth as we speak.

Hmmmm well maybe it is, but thats besides the point.

The description stated the Demo Crew was 3 days hence, and they only had so much time to get the stuff out of there. Apparently what they didnt get went to the landfill.

HMMMM…I’ve got kin in the Grand Rapids area…they might go pick it up for me and then they can bring it to me when they come visit![:P][(-D]

Seriously though…that is a huge lot of stuff…even if I was inclined to bid I don’t have that much room to store it…my basement is already half filled with my layout and I need more cabinets for my current roster of goodies. Someone is gonna have an early Christmas!..I think a dealer will most likely buy it and then sell it off piece by piece…on EBAY probably…so we will likely see that stuff again.

I know people like the former owner of that mass of trains…they neglect family for the go fast old cars they tinker with every evening and weekend…or they spend tons of money buying sports ball game shows on pay-per-view and then sit and waste time watching them…sad that people don’t understand they’re missing special time with the family.