I beam ?

I want to build a bridge like the one in this photo. The wooden Bents are doubled up at either end with I Beams spanning the two. Looking at the loco’s in the photo can you guess at the height/size of the I Beam and the distance between the Bents over the road?

Also I have been looking at plastic I beams at the hobby store, they are too flexible to offer support on their own as they bend like wet noodle’s. Does someone make a plastic I Beam that is stiff? There are I Beams made out of wood that I will use if I can’t find stiff plastic ones.

As always thanks.

What is the color of the plastic I-beams that bent? Are they WHITE? I would guess you saw I-beams made of styrene and marketede by Evergreen. Easy to cut and work with, but not as strong as some materials IMO.

Plastruct offers a much stiffer I beam, made of ABS- acrylic butyl styrene- and it is usually dark gray. Some smaller ABS pieces can cut and snap, but nearly all cut fairly easy w razon saw and miter box.

Then to be really strong, brass structural members from K&S…

I beam, you beam, we all beam for I beam.[:P]

Do you have a bigger picture? That one’s tough to see. I tried a TinEye search and it didn’t find anything.

Steve S

Hmmmmm… Maybe Brass would be good. Any guesses on the height of the beam in the pic???

About four feet, Brent.

It looks to be about the same height as the loco trucks.


Remember you can use something closer to scale on the visible portion of your bridge, and let it hide a stronger structural member that actually holds the trains up. An Evergreen I beam can have thicker plastic, wood or metal laminated or otherwise located behind it. You can match the size of your structural support to the available I-beam that you use for looks, or make it slightly smaller to hide it.

Another possibility is to use something like brass C channel to simulate one side of an I beam (if you can’t find a suitable metal I beam). If the viewer can’t see both sides he may not realize his eye’s been fooled.

The LION (who has access to a metal shop and an 8’ long brake (Metal bender) made a pair of metal shims bent about like this : {___ and like this ___} which cradle the track provide adequate support and are almost invisible.

OK, maybe you do not have a brake, but maybe you can find pieces of metal that might work, or you could go to a local sheet metal dealer who could probably find some scraps for you. You will find him under “Heating and Air conditioning.”


That’s a good idea Rob. The biggest brass I beam I can find is 1/8". If I can find a plastic one that is big enough I may do as you suggest or make my own out of brass strips. I always wanted to try soldering brass anyway, so here is a good oppourtunity.

I think the beam is somewhere between three and four feet. I’ve been holding the ruler up to the computer screen trying to figure it out. I guess I don’t have to be too exact.

I need to find some dimensions of those Loco’s to compare with the other things. Thanks.

One idea I seem to recall from a long time ago was to use aluminum curtain channels. I can remember using them with plastic rollers that straddled the channel, with a metal loop below on which curtains would hang. Don’t know if they are still in use, but it might be an idea to check out curtain/drapery shops.

Hi Batman,

Have you considered this Walthers offering?

http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/933-3147 A link on this page will open a handy pdf of the instruction sheet that will show you the kit pieces and building options. It’s on sale, too!

I have used the pieces of this kit and it seems to fit the bill for what you are looking for. Picture doesn’t show it but the span has I beam supports along with the doubled bents you are looking for.

Hope this helps, Ed

Cannot tell what they are.



I don’t know if it will give an acceptable look but you could double up on the smaller I-beams, in other words stack them?


As a former Model RC Aircraft builder, if you want strength, & a real nice bridge, consider this…
Try a Carbon Fiber Spar bar & then make it look like an I beam with caps of .250 x 0.080, or sanded down to a taper 0.100 as the I-Beam ‘flanges’ on the flat carbon bar/spar.
You can’t get any stronger than that…
Another possible option…

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.

I did look at the curtain channel Bob, the size is right however the metal or plastic is very thick on these and I didn’t think it looked quite right.

Ed, I had been planning on using that bridge in that spot since I started putting the plan on paper. However the spot it now has to go is curved and on a grade so a custom made structure is the way to go now.

Rich I think they are F7s and you are right they appear to be about the size of the trucks. Crandell said four feet so I think that will be close enough.

Chad I wish they had Carbon Fiber back when I was building and designing my own R/C wonders. I think I will definitely be checking it out.

Steve S. What is TinEye?

My father inlaw just had a heart attack and is in a coma on full life support. The attack also damaged his Kidney’s so he also is having to have dialysis. He is a pretty cool guy, always keeps my wine rack full with wine from all over the world. So things will be on the back burner for a while anyway.

Thanks everyone.