I loved watching the late Bob Ross create his “magic” on his tv series, where he’d do impressive paintings in less than 30 minutes.
But it was only when ANOTHER series came on, by a guy named Robert Warren, that I realized just how GARISH most of Ross’s work was.
By that time, I’d bought a bunch of Ross paints and brushes, and had tried experiments painting directly on bare gyproc, liking what I saw, and anxious to get going on a REAL LAYOUT finally, so I could use the techniques on a backdrop, like you have here.
If you do any more of this type of thing, I’d suggest you try to find some of those old Warren videos, to see how he would “tame” down the paints, coming up with some really fine work.
Yet, as posted here, now and again my wife and I will look up at the sky, and remark, “Well, there’s a real Bob Ross sky for you!”
Whereas, MOST of the time, its a WARREN sky, with his colours such as “rose pink” and “peach” to be seen.
The other thing we’d giggle over, is how often you will look up and see a cloud, with a shape that is totally unnatural looking. Our comment to one another then, is “…if you painted such a cloud on canvass, people would laugh and say there is never anything in real life that even slightly resembles that.”
In other words, there IS no “correct” version of painting!