I need your help identifying the specific functions of some Con-Cor Canadian Pacific corruggated side passenger cars in the silver with burgundy stripe/block letter schemes. I am trying to take the poor man’s route to creating the “Canadian”.
I have looked at the official CP roster but three of the Con-Cor cars did not show up so I would like your opinions on what function these three cars actually served.
The first is named ‘Cabot Manor’:
The second is named ‘Kent’:
The third is simply numbered ‘103’:
I’m going to take a wild guess and say that ‘Cabot Manor’ is a sleeper, perhaps 12 - 1???
As for ‘Kent’ and ‘103’ I won’t embarass my self by guessing!
By the way, yes, the trucks are mounted backwards! That was the only way I could make them fit in my cupboard. I have purchased sufficient kits to body mount the couplers. I also have scored several IHC interiors recently which I am reasonably sure I can bash enough to fill the cars. If they won’t be perfect, then I will always resort to my first rule of prototypical modeling accuracy: just run the train faster![(-D]
That was what I suspected! Thanks very much for confirming.
Do you happen to know what configuration the Cabot Manor sleeper is? I am speculating that it is a 12 - 1 but to be honest, I really don’t have a clue.
Also, if I can add another question to the mix, does anyone know if any of the IHC interior kits are suitable for these cars?
Rich is correct. Just to flesh that out a little bit more:
Cabot Manor is one of CP’s “Manor” sleepers. The CP Budd order that outfitted the Canadian contained two types of sleepers:
-Manors, which are 4 Section, 4 Roomette, 5 Bedroom, 1 Compartment sleepers
-Chateaus, which are 4 Section, 8 Roomette, 3 Bedroom, 1 Drawing Room sleepers.
The protoypes are easily identifiable from the outside (besides by the names) by the fact that the Chateaus have alternating upper and lower windows at the vestibule end (for the upper and lower roomettes), while the Manors have all windows on level. Although the Con-Cor model is not really accurate for a Manor sleeper, it is meant to represent one.
“Kent” is indeed a Diner. Again, meant to represent the 48-seat diners the Canadian ran (and continues to run in its VIA incarnation) with. The prototype has a some notable differences, most significantly the near total lack of windows along the kitchen section.
“103” is a coach. The prototype is a 60 seat coach, and a very unique beast (no one else had a window arrangement quite the same as the CP Budd coaches).
Each of these prototypes are still in service today with VIA Rail. Cabot Manor and Kent retain their original names (just with updated numbers), while CP 103 is now VIA 8103.
Having said that, though the prototype Cabot Manor is a 4 section, 4 roomette, 5 bedroom, 1 compartment sleeper, I believe the ConCor model is actually of a fairly generic 10-6 sleeper.
Thanks for the link. Much more complete information then I had found before!
Thanks for the information regarding the sleeper configurations. I’m still largely in the dark about how the various confirurations of sleepers would look, but I figure if I can manage to not have any dividing walls show up in the middle of a window then I can live with fudging things a bit (or a lot![swg]).
Not sure if I have said this before but I have just scored a total of eight IHC passenger car interiors which I hope to be able to bash enough to make plausible interiors for the Con-Cor cars. I know that they won’t likely be a perfect fit, but if I can achieve something reasonable within my budget then I will be happy.
And, as I have said several times before, if they aren’t perfect then I will just have to run my trains faster![swg][(-D][D)][(-D]
I don’t know about the details of the IHC interiors, but I’m sure they can be made into something workable! I’ve used some of their interiors for a few projects, and they are pretty good. As far as sleeper interiors go, I don’t know what resources exist for many of them, but here’s the diagrams for the VIA (ex-CP) Manor and Chateau sleepers: http://www.viarail.ca/en/resources/stainless-steel-sleeping-car
VIA also has 360-degree images of interiors, if that would be helpful, on their fleet page here (follow the Manor and Chateau sleeping car links): http://www.viarail.ca/en/about-via-rail/our-fleet
As far as other sleepers go, such as the 12-1 layout the Con-Cor appears to be modeled on, just have a look around online, and I expect you’ll be able to find something.
[quote user=“hon30critter”]
I know that they won’t likely be a perfect fit, but if I can achieve something reasonable within my budget then I will be happy.
And, as I have said several times before, if they aren’t perfect then I will just have to run my trains faster!
Yes, the car naned Cabpt Manor is definitely a 10-6 sleeper. You can tell from the six windows on the left end, one for each bedroom, and the five windows on the right end, each of which would be for a roomette. One the other side of the car would be five windows for the other five roomettes and rather widely spaced windows for the corridor alonside the bedrooms. Bedrooms took most of the car’s width, while roomettes sat five on each side of a central corridor. The IHC interior should just about drop right in, assuming it’s for a 10-6 car. just be sure to line up the windows with the rooms.
The diner should also be a drop in for your interior. The six windows should match up with the tables, as most diners had six dining area windows.