IHC HO scale GG-1 review

This review is on IHC’s HO scale GG-1 electric by Mehano.[:D]

The 80 foot, 4,620HP GG-1 electric had a 10-year production life from 1934 through 1943, with 139 units built, all of which were for the Pennsylvania Railroad. They became Penn Central units after the merger with the New York Central, and later Conrail after another merger. Many were sold to Amtrak and New Jersey Transit. Although they were rated at 4,620HP, they could have power outputs as high as 9,500HP under the right conditions. All were retired by the early 80s due to expensive maintenance, as well as 50 years of service and millions of miles traveled which caused cracking in the frames. 16 GG-1s are left in existance, with some back in their original PRR paint, and others left to fall apart from lack of upkeep. There has long been talk of restoring one to operating condition, but as far as I know, nothing has been done yet.

This GG-1 is from IHC’s more recent Premier series of engines, which include a highly upgraded drive and Magic-Mate universal couplers. The current IHC/Mehano shell is often mistaken as being the old GG-1 by Rivarossi. The shell used by Mehano was actually made by Pemco in the 1980s, who tended to copy everyone else’s work rather than do their own. I’ve heard that Mehano (the manufacturer) is closing, and has already laid off 120 employees, so this model may be gone forever soon.

Anyway, let’s get to all the details of this model.[:D] The shell and detail overall look very good, with fine molding all around, rather than the usual more bulky looking detail of Mehano’s diesels. The shell captures the look of the GG-1 very well, with a full-length body unlike many other previous GG-1s, which were shortened to handle tight curves more easily. Most of the detail of th

Thanks for posting your informative observations, Darth. It’s always good to hear from you.



May I also encourage you to submit this as a Reader Review in MR’s Product Review section.


I’m not currently an MR subscriber, so I’m not sure if I can do that. Can non-subscribers post reviews there?

Yes. Mine on the Rivarossi Allegheny was the first such review, and I am not a subscriber. They just want input that looks well written, balanced, and reasonably thorough.

I buy the magazine most months anyway.


Well, I just attempted to submit this to the reader reviews, and it won’t give me access to submitted reviews, or the submit review area (I was logged in). Looks like this one will remain on the forum…

Great review. I second the suggestion of posting your excellent and informative review in the product Reader Reviews. The IHC/Mehano GG-1 is a fine looking model. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to see a GG-1 “up close and personal”.

Great review though,and thanks for sharing.

Great review, Darth; hope you get published. [8D]

A 7:1 ratio isn’t much gear reduction, but those motors are very slow and smooth, making these GG1’s great performers. I bought a few of these motors, and they have a very low top speed, which makes them perfect for remotoring locos with higher speed gearing. I peered through one with my loupe, and the armature poles aren’t skewed, but the air gap between them is quite narrow, which must be what keeps them from cogging. I used to assume they had 5 poles because of their performance.

They were one of the best locos that IHC and Mehano produced together, and with Mehano declaring bankruptcy, and IHC on shaky ground, they are getting harder to find. It’s also interesting to note that IHC offered them in several fantasy schemes, such as New haven, Great Northern, Milwaukee Road, and NYC, and that the demand for those units is much greater than those in Pennsy schemes. Personally, I think they only look good in pinstripes. [swg]